As long as a majority of people have acces to ota signals and hsi, government intervention won't happen. It's the people who live in rural areas that have neither that really need help. But since that number is getting smaller every year, it won't happen. People need to take action on their own. Buy a Tivo and switch to ota, buy individual programs online, buy or rent dvd sets and movies. Subscribe to Netflix/Hulu+/Amazon Instant. Changing your habits is the only way to make these greedy companies understand.I say no. I also say that DISH will try to spin off the sports channels into their own premium pack if they keep asking for more and more for the same channels. IF not ,there will be no more Espn channels on DISH. This whole greed thing by the companies that own these suite of channels like AMC and now Viacom with Directv is pushing us all to ala carte or the end of the pay tv model entirely. The American public is not making the kind of money to keep up with these increases . IF congress doesn't step in and force a change , the public will and the entire industry will go down the tubes. Let the cord cutting begin.
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