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Experience with dishquality and ceo email addresses | SatelliteGuys.US

Experience with dishquality and ceo email addresses

johnny q

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 7, 2005
Bergen County, NJ
Ok, I am starting to get a complex... This is the second time this happened to me:

I have been having serious PQ issues for about 8 months now, I wont go into detail, its in other posts. The CSR's - the best they can do is ask me to run a check switch, the techs that have come out have thrown thier hands up, and in fact the last visit left my already abysmal Sat 119 signals about 10-15 points lower than before he came! So he screwed up the alignment of the Dish apparently. Anyway, I have sent emails to these 2 addresses in an attempt to escalate the issue. The first time, about a week passed and then lo and behold a message appeared on my answering machine from Dish "claim dispute resolution dept" eager to talk to me about my problems. After a solid week of calling this person, getting voice mail and leaving messages - no call backs. So, I send the email to the same parties again and the same thing happens - days pass and when I get home from work, there is a message from the same person, eager to talk to me about my "defective receiver" (note: I never said anything about a bad receiver!), so I call her back, I call again and again and again leaving messages and a week later no callback. What is this some type of joke? If there was any question whatsoever whether I was going to stay the course w/ Dish or look elswhere, this fiasco has made up my mind.

Anyone else have a similar experience??

I will PM you E-mail to try explain to them what the issue is. Let us know how things turn out.
Feast or famine it seems..... After weeks of sending hate mail to the CEO and Dishquality email addy's, and spending as much time leaving voice mails for someone from the "unresolved claims dept" who called ME inititially and subsequently never returned my calls, I have received direct phone calls from 5 separate people who are eager to fix my problems (do a search for posts under my user name for details) Problem is, I am getting conflicting and suspect info....

The most surprising came from someone from the department that oversee's picture quality and technical issues. He told me in no uncertain terms that the common belief that signal strength does not affect PQ is incorrect and the lower your signal goes, the worse your PQ gets. He made it clear that he wasnt referring to loss of signal or breakup, but blurry, washed out "soft" faded, PQ like I have - he said you can start to see it when your signals get into the 50's and 60's. Does this shatter the common belief that you either receive digital picture or you dont, or is this misinformation?

Another individual told me that they have received complaints that PQ gets worse at night - this is (according to him) due to faulty LNB's that react to the changes in temperature. This is also another problem I have w/ my Dish PQ - I proved it to the non-believers by recording to hard drive a static image (the dish logo on the alt sports channels) over a 6 hour period and you can watch the quality degrade dramatically. Yes, I have too much time on my hands.:)

Another person told me that some installs were performed w/ the incorrect, or cheap grade coax and the service techs are not likely to replace it(his words).

So - after all this, Dish is sending a quality assurance tech to my home tomorrow and they assure me this guy is one of thier Guru's, and will leave no stone unturned in his diagnosis......

This is all good and well, but does one really have to escalate what should be a basic service call, to the upper eschelon???:confused:
..... After weeks of sending hate mail....

The most surprising came from someone from the department that oversee's picture quality and technical issues. He told me in no uncertain terms that the common belief that signal strength does not affect PQ is incorrect and the lower your signal goes, the worse your PQ gets. He made it clear that he wasnt referring to loss of signal or breakup, but blurry, washed out "soft" faded, PQ like I have - he said you can start to see it when your signals get into the 50's and 60's. Does this shatter the common belief that you either receive digital picture or you dont, or is this misinformation?...
WOW that should really soften them up. :eek: Remember human nature is all the same. When faced with aggression or combativeness we (just like you would in that position) either flee or fight but not offer sincere help.

The signal is a digital stream of 0's and 1's like 01100011010111100010. If you receive the stream in tack it can't matter what the signal strength is because 0110110 = 0110110 no matter what. If the signal falls low enough you will start to drop data from the stream that will cause the picture to become pixelized or breakup but not soft or faded.
That is garbage what the guy told you. The stream sends massive ammounts of error correction overhead. Should you lose a chunk of data due to whatever the reason, the algorithm (CRC, FEC or whatever they use) Simply corrects it. 40% is just as good as 125% when you are speaking digital. That guy does not understand what he is talking about. All a higher DIGITAL signal does is decrease the workload of the processor having to error correct constantly and allow for increased tollerance to weather. They people like to assume you fall for anything...!

That is garbage what the guy told you. The stream sends massive ammounts of error correction overhead. Should you lose a chunk of data due to whatever the reason, the algorithm (CRC, FEC or whatever they use) Simply corrects it. 40% is just as good as 125% when you are speaking digital. That guy does not understand what he is talking about. All a higher DIGITAL signal does is decrease the workload of the processor having to error correct constantly and allow for increased tollerance to weather. They people like to assume you fall for anything...!

I agree 100% - in fact, as we speak a new tech is here now and he told me the same exact thing - total rubbish about the signal strengths vs PQ. This particlular tech(the guy on my roof now) is the top guy the local dept has to offer, all my complaining it took to get him out here. Finally, someone that knows what he is talking about and finally someone that confirmed there are some serious installation flaws that need to be corrected and my coax cables (as I suspected)need to be replaced completely. No weather boots on the connectors either. He also said something about my Dish not being grounded.

Also - because he is not lazy like some of the other guys that recently stepped foot in my house, he suggests a two dish solution to get flawless signals on my problematic 119 sattelite. This suggestion will now avoid me having to spend 1000 bucks to chop down trees.

This level of tech support took numerous phone calls, escalations, emails, letters - I started this many months ago. I am glad this guy is here now, but should it really have to be this painful to get someone that knows what they are talking about and are willing to cut zero corners to get the job done right?? Big sigh.....................

No it should not take this long, think of the money wasted over numerous peoples emails and phone tag. If you could just pay good people a little more, it would save so much long term, and keep customers happy.
Are you sure you actually have PQ problem compared to other Dish systems, or are you simply seeing the BEST that platform can deliver? If you are viewing SD progams on a HDTV, you will NOT have a great picture.
Are you sure you actually have PQ problem compared to other Dish systems, or are you simply seeing the BEST that platform can deliver? If you are viewing SD progams on a HDTV, you will NOT have a great picture.

SD programs on SD TV. The degradation in PQ since 2001 is dramatic - same TV, system, etc. Short answer is "yes" I am having PQ issues, my old analog cable looked better than the blurry, washed out, slow mo I have now. So its not my eye objecting to the characteristics of digital picture or limitations of the "platform", this is a real condition that has gotten worse over time.

The tech who was out yesterday basically re-installed the entire system soup to nuts, and noted some "installation errors" or "shortcuts" that he corrected.

So far so good........

I e-mailed dishquality yesterday about the Bangor locals and they had it fixed in 12 hours!

I was amazed. Stephen King must have called and complained too.......
Glad to hear things got taken care of! Thats just it sometimes on install depends on where you live and how good the installers are in your area. Again glad things are running well. Yeah well E-mail works I have given some folks on here some address to try. When they do I would say most of the time the issue get taken care of.
Glad to hear things got taken care of! Thats just it sometimes on install depends on where you live and how good the installers are in your area. Again glad things are running well. Yeah well E-mail works I have given some folks on here some address to try. When they do I would say most of the time the issue get taken care of.

Thanks again Poke, it was your guy that escalated the matter to the correct people.


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