Fiesta Bowl fires CEO amid internal report; BCS status in jeopardy - ESPN

So this jackass has been using Fiesta Bowl money to buy politicians, and we wonder why we can't have a playoff system. Oh yeah, it's so the "student athletes" don't have to miss additional classes.The Fiesta Bowl released a scathing internal report Tuesday.
The reimbursements, listed as at least $46,539, are an apparent violation of state campaign finance laws and the charter that allows the Fiesta Bowl its nonprofit status. The Arizona attorney general's office is conducting a probe of the matter.
The BCS reacted swiftly, saying it would undertake an investigation of its own to "consider whether the Fiesta Bowl should remain a BCS bowl game or other appropriate sanctions."
The Fiesta board of directors voted unanimously to fire Junker "for his improper and inappropriate activities documented" in the report.