Well, it finally happened. I got Voom installed and I've been drooling all weekend! Ok, ok, so it doesn't hurt that I also finally got my projector and 106" screen installed this weekend too... I don't think I moved off the couch the rest of the weekend--couldn't even make myself come post this. Fortunately, now it's Monday and I have to be at work, so now I have plenty of spare time!!!! 
A few weeks ago (before I even found out that Voom was a option as a "full service" provider) I had settled on getting D* again--Mostly because Qwest said I could get all the same promotions, but save $5/mo on my bill.
The technician (really a sleezy salesperson-type in disguise) shows up to install, but doesn't have what I ordered, and wanted me to cancel my order through Qwest and reorder through him so he could "hook me up" with all the best promos (and so he could get the sale, I'm sure)... However, when I tried to get details of these better hookups, he kept backing off until it became obvious that he wasn't really offer anything better. Needless to say, I had him leave.
Then I found out from a coworker that Voom had all the regular channels too, so I called up an ordered. I called back only once (very proud of myself) during this whole mess to confirm my installation, which they did. I'll also say that although Voom Cust Svc has always been helpful and nice, I find it a little annoying that they have to "summarize" the entire call and then ask me if I'm satisfied. Maybe they have good reason to be doing it, but I hope it is short-lived. Of course, now that I got it, I hopefully won't be calling them much more.
And can I just say, the install was SUPERB!!!
The installer showed up, was very gung ho on Voom, didn't try to make me pay any extra, and made sure the installation was done. I jokingly said I wanted 90 on my signal strength, he got me to 91. He had to use an extra arm to reach a few extra inches out, but he did it. And that long OTA antennae is AWESOME! Several of the local OTA channels have a signal strength of 100, and everything else is in the mid to high 90s.
I also cannot confirm all these reports of poor PQ--even the SD channels look so good it hurts! I may be a little biased at this point, but I don't remember D* ever looking like this (even on my SDTVs)...
In addition, I found many of the "exclusive" Voom HD channels to be very entertaining. And the Channel Guide? Very organized, intuitive, and easy to use.
Just about my only wish is for VH1 Classic. Yeah, I now get OLN, which I never did with D*, but I want to have my cake and eat it too--I really want VH1C.
Frankly, even after all weekend, I don't think I found anything to watch on the movie channels, so I'm not sure the Va Va Voom package is worth the $40 extra per month to me (I'll still keep my 2 free months, though), but there is no doubt about it--I just became a die-hard Voomer!

A few weeks ago (before I even found out that Voom was a option as a "full service" provider) I had settled on getting D* again--Mostly because Qwest said I could get all the same promotions, but save $5/mo on my bill.
The technician (really a sleezy salesperson-type in disguise) shows up to install, but doesn't have what I ordered, and wanted me to cancel my order through Qwest and reorder through him so he could "hook me up" with all the best promos (and so he could get the sale, I'm sure)... However, when I tried to get details of these better hookups, he kept backing off until it became obvious that he wasn't really offer anything better. Needless to say, I had him leave.
Then I found out from a coworker that Voom had all the regular channels too, so I called up an ordered. I called back only once (very proud of myself) during this whole mess to confirm my installation, which they did. I'll also say that although Voom Cust Svc has always been helpful and nice, I find it a little annoying that they have to "summarize" the entire call and then ask me if I'm satisfied. Maybe they have good reason to be doing it, but I hope it is short-lived. Of course, now that I got it, I hopefully won't be calling them much more.

And can I just say, the install was SUPERB!!!
The installer showed up, was very gung ho on Voom, didn't try to make me pay any extra, and made sure the installation was done. I jokingly said I wanted 90 on my signal strength, he got me to 91. He had to use an extra arm to reach a few extra inches out, but he did it. And that long OTA antennae is AWESOME! Several of the local OTA channels have a signal strength of 100, and everything else is in the mid to high 90s.
I also cannot confirm all these reports of poor PQ--even the SD channels look so good it hurts! I may be a little biased at this point, but I don't remember D* ever looking like this (even on my SDTVs)...
In addition, I found many of the "exclusive" Voom HD channels to be very entertaining. And the Channel Guide? Very organized, intuitive, and easy to use.
Just about my only wish is for VH1 Classic. Yeah, I now get OLN, which I never did with D*, but I want to have my cake and eat it too--I really want VH1C.
Frankly, even after all weekend, I don't think I found anything to watch on the movie channels, so I'm not sure the Va Va Voom package is worth the $40 extra per month to me (I'll still keep my 2 free months, though), but there is no doubt about it--I just became a die-hard Voomer!