DSR315 @ $99.99 - link to Future Shop preorder pageDCXFORDGM said:A new base unit
DCXFORDGM said:Starchoice has a better picture quailty on all channels, where as bell as some channels sharp and others are less sharp. I would suggest to get a DSR-500HDTV set-top unit or if you wait 2 months two new recievers will be out. A new base unit and a DSR-530HDTV DVR. On oct 3rd and 4th at 330am the switch occurs from e2r to anik f2 the new satellite. Starchoice will be adding more channels and more HDTV.
When you are choosing programming package, be sure to checkout the Bilingual packages. Sometimes the equivalent package is within a dollar or two of the English package and you get RDS included.angiodan said:I have lost the most important channels for me, TSN and Sportsnet. Anik F2 going live will be the icing on the Starchoice cake for me as well if I get the HD unit.
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