Should be strong with that dish. I currently have a 31" dish and am hitting the LPB's at around 70 pct quality on the Geosat 3500. Let us know what kinda quality you get. I am curious to see how much better pct I will get going from my 31" to my 39". Also which model did you buy? I bought my 39" off Electoria site.
Should be strong with that dish. I currently have a 31" dish and am hitting the LPB's at around 70 pct quality on the Geosat 3500. Let us know what kinda quality you get. I am curious to see how much better pct I will get going from my 31" to my 39". Also which model did you buy? I bought my 39" off Electoria site.
Should be strong with that dish. I currently have a 31" dish and am hitting the LPB's at around 70 pct quality on the Geosat 3500. Let us know what kinda quality you get. I am curious to see how much better pct I will get going from my 31" to my 39". Also which model did you buy? I bought my 39" off Electoria site.
I will definitely keep you posted as to the results. Its a project I will be working on over the next month or two.
Its a SatTracker 39" dish with a single output LNB and a GTMedia receiver. I am going to mount it so if I ever decide to go to OrbyTV, it will be easily repositioned.