Yes, UK satellites are more suited to flat and the ball antennas.
Both *might* work here in the US on high powered circular satellites.
We have people competing to get real FTA on 12 & 18" dishes.
I fully support those efforts, along with miniBUDs, but neither are something to suggest to beginners.
I always recommend 36" Ku dishes, 'cause every bird doesn't deliver a good enough signal to every part of US & Canada for 30" dishes!
I'm an old-school HAM, and we have a phrase: arm chair copy.
It means (in terms of FTA) a really solid signal, 100% reliable & clear, 24/7.
I've been known to dink around with a paper clip & tinfoil gum wrapper, but won't recommend it my friends.

So, the flat & spherical satellite antennas don't do a lot for me.
Not as currently offered.