cannonz I have heard this same response also, from other smaller carriers. Fox charges a crap ton of money to carry their channels, and from what I have heard, they do not split them out. Same with Viacom, Showtime, and others. I am actually surprised they are now carring HBO and Skinamax.
I read online fox charges a high premium for all their networks.Only thing I've seen is on their site.
Why don’t you offer FOX News? Is this political?
We definitely do not have a political agenda. We don’t carry FOX News for the same reason we don’t carry certain sports channels – it’s too expensive! When a TV provider like Orby TV wants to carry a particular channel, they can often only do so by carrying a lot of other expensive channels from the same company. FOX News is owned by a company that owns a number of other channels – if you want one, you have to take them all. And to add insult to injury, you have to charge all of your customers for all of the channels, whether they want them or not! That could mean an extra $20, $30 or more per month. Our goal at Orby TV is to offer a broad line-up of channels at a terrific price. We’ve chosen not to carry expensive channels from certain companies on Orby TV. We will constantly look at new channels and add them only when we can do so while keeping the monthly price of Orby TV low.--------
I would have Orby right now if they had Fox news. I wonder if it would do any good to ask Fox to let them buy just news channel, or if they would even notice something like that. also carries Newsmax, which is very conservative, last I checked.I hear that but I bet its slightly political too. runs hard left young turks network and nbc news as moderate and nothing for right. Cox puts Fox between MTV and Comedy Central on our system in the "comedy and variety" section and no in the news section.
I do not think it is political. In an isolated case I guess so. They do charge more, but they are the #1 watched cable channel.... not just also the #1 watched news cable channel. Huge viewership.
They switched from Fox news here at wlki to abc news.Fox wants bucks. We were an early adopter of Fox radio news on WION when it first came out. Dellvery, affiliate communications, content all very smooth. when the contract came up for renwal, after the first period ended which was all "barter" (we run their in-newscast spots, we get the service free)...and we got to the part about renewing, they were going to go from ZERO dollars charged to THIRTY SIX HUNDRED for this small market station. They got the axe quickly. Got a little to big for their britches in popularity and wanted to cash-in. Lost other affiliates too in small (radio) markets.
Can you provide the name of the free web site you used? I’d like to try this too. Thanks.I love Fox News but I dont have cable. I found a way to get around this by finding a free web site link and casting it to my TV from my laptop or cell phone.
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