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Free Upgrade to a 622? | SatelliteGuys.US

Free Upgrade to a 622?

Tom in TX

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Supporting Founder
May 27, 2004
I got a call today from Dish, offering to upgrade one of my 942's ( I have one leased, one owned) for $199, with a $199 credit, for a "no-cost" upgrade. Is this the standard offer now? I haven't been keeping up with it too much lately.
I told the person that I was not interested, because I would end up paying more per month by having to upgrade to a metal package. I currently have AT 60 plus, and Fox Sports Southwest. He said Bronze wouldn't be much more, and I told him I wouldn't get Fox SW, and he offered to set me up with Silver, at the price of Bronze, for 6 months! Kinda tempting, even though I am content with my two
Are the extra channels worth it to most of you? Any opinions would be appreciated.

Tom in TX
I think they are worth it. ESPN2HD and Universal HD are great as well as the Voom channels. Also, the new HD channels coming in June will require the MPEG4 receiver.

I say upgrade to the 622.
Where did you hear about the $199 with $199 credit? Did you ask for it or did they offer it to you? I though the deal was $299 with $200 credit/
You have two 942s but only AT60 Plus and Fox Sports? No HD?

And did they specifically state that it would be free or no cost?

The $199 credit is no big deal, the standard offer is $200. However the regular cost is $299, not $199. It would strange for them to quote the regular price too low. The best way to pitch a no-cost upgrade would be to give you a $299 credit toward the regular $299 price. Sounds like a better deal.
Tom in TX said:
I got a call today from Dish, offering to upgrade one of my 942's ( I have one leased, one owned) for $199, with a $199 credit, for a "no-cost" upgrade. Is this the standard offer now? I haven't been keeping up with it too much lately.
I told the person that I was not interested, because I would end up paying more per month by having to upgrade to a metal package. I currently have AT 60 plus, and Fox Sports Southwest. He said Bronze wouldn't be much more, and I told him I wouldn't get Fox SW, and he offered to set me up with Silver, at the price of Bronze, for 6 months! Kinda tempting, even though I am content with my two
Are the extra channels worth it to most of you? Any opinions would be appreciated.

Tom in TX

We need to verify this deal. If so i would come back,,
What if you got TWO HDTVs, can they offered the deal for 2 622s for free on an 18 month contract?

NOw that would be worth it.
The explanation for this lies in the weird way in which the universe is out to get me. Just like everything else that the price suddenly drops on.

:mad: Because I JUST BOUGHT ONE.

No complaining from me though, I don't have a 942 to trade in.
They called me last week also. I already had the 942 upgraded to a 622, and I have a 811 upgraded to a 211, and now last week they called and offered to swap out my other 811. Good things do come to those wait a few months to get the newest hardware.....the wait is just hard :-)
I go the call last night. They said they are calling customers in areas served with HD-LIL and offering basically free swap out. i said yes last night and they will coem and move my 61.5 dish to 129 so i can get the HD-LIL in ATL and the new voom. My only convern now is i suffered through the 921 then got a 942 and it has been almost flawless, but after reading all the 622 posts i am nervous that I may be taking a step backward.
kluken said:
I go the call last night. They said they are calling customers in areas served with HD-LIL and offering basically free swap out. i said yes last night and they will coem and move my 61.5 dish to 129 so i can get the HD-LIL in ATL and the new voom. My only convern now is i suffered through the 921 then got a 942 and it has been almost flawless, but after reading all the 622 posts i am nervous that I may be taking a step backward.

Don't worry too much. I did't have any problem with 942, now don't have problems with 622 . Even I find it has a better PQ and much faster OTA scanning. It takes less then a minute to scan.:)
Tom Bombadil said:
You have two 942s but only AT60 Plus and Fox Sports? No HD?

And did they specifically state that it would be free or no cost?

Sorry - I do have the old HD pack, and I get great OTA here in D/FW.
Yes, he specifically said "cost free" upgrade.
Tom in TX
As this appears to be a limited offering, who knows what criteria they are applying for selection, I wouldn't be upset if I had just popped for the regular deal. You could sit by your phone for months waiting for this call, and perhaps never get it.
Tom in TX,

I am in Dallas also. What sats do you have? I have a D500 for 110 and 119 and another D500 for 61.5. What set up do you have?
Darn, if the deal is only being offered to those in HD-LiL areas, I won't get the call. And I'm waiting until July to upgrade anyway, as I'm still paying only $10/month for the HD Pack and VOOM.
I got the call the other day as well and took the offer.

$199 payment with a $199 rebate. for a 942/622 swap

I was told that they had a request that I submited a while back to inform me about the new HD stuff that was going to be coming out. Now I do remember filling something out about that on there website at some point in time.

Kinda cool.

Can an 811 be authorized?

Starz no 5.1 audio?

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