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FS: Dish Network Sale!

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Y'all sometimes scare me.

::looks over shoulder to see which SatGuy is following me::


Glad to see progress is being made.
Y'all sometimes scare me.

::looks over shoulder to see which SatGuy is following me::


Glad to see progress is being made.

Yeah, I almost thought you saw me that one time.:D
Wasn't Maryland under Federal occupation during the Civil War to protect Washington, DC?;)

IIRC, there was a sorta close vote keeping them Yankee. Who got to vote and who counted the votes was mostly under Yankee control. Both sides had folks from Maryland fighting for them. Of course, back then they didn't have SatGuys checking them out. ;)

he states here that he works for Connect Television?
Maybe he got all the receivers from his new job?

It's interesting that he is posting during this fiasco, but doesn't have the decency to contact any of us that are involved! He could have taken a couple of seconds to post an apology, and explanation, but no, he's just off playing around, like nothing is going on.

As an added note to this, I got a message from paypal just a short time ago (maybe half an hour) saying that the seller responded and provided a tracking number. Well, that tracking # was only created TODAY, only minutes before the paypal message, and it only says "billing information received", and has no proof that the item has actually been shipped. Either way, this means he obviously LIED when he told me almost a week ago that the item had already shipped. I personally think the tracking number is just to get paypal off his back and buy more time, but we'll see where things go from here. I certainly don't trust it at this point, and my complaint and messages to him said to REFUND my money if the item was NOT shipped last week as he claimed, and obviously if he is just now creating shipping information, it wasn't.

I'll keep everyone posted on what develops at this end.

Thank You to everyone who has involved themselves in this, and helped out in getting as much information on the seller as possible. I sure hope he isn't still trying to pull a fast one, because I can assure you it WILL backfire on him real quick at this point!
I just been informed that we now have pictures of his house. And whats funny is he lives next door to the Deputy Sherrif who drives car 21. :)

Wouldn't it have been more fun if it had been Car 54? ;)

I think he's feeling the pressure, because I got a notice from paypal saying he responded to the complaint and provided a tracking # finally, but it was only created today, and I am still not sure that it will result in anything. I think it's just to get them off his back while he figures out what his next move will be.

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="det-pad" width="35%"> Tracking Number: </td> <td class="det-pad"> </td> <td class="det-pad" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"> </td> </tr> <!-- Begin Type Labeling --> <tr> <td class="det-pad"> Type: </td> <td class="det-pad"> Package </td> <td class="det-pad"> </td> </tr> <!-- End Type Labeling --> <!-- Start Status Label --> <tr> <td class="det-pad"> Status: </td> <td class="det-pad" nowrap="nowrap"> Billing Information Received </td> <td class="det-pad"> </td> </tr> <!-- End Status Label --> <!-- Start Date Label --> <!-- End Date Label --> <!-- Begin Multiple Labels --> <tr> <td class="det-pad"> Shipped/Billed On: </td> <td class="det-pad"> 08/29/2007 </td> <td class="det-pad"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="det-pad"> Service: </td> <td class="det-pad"> GROUND </td> <td class="det-pad"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="det-pad"> Weight: </td> <td class="det-pad"> 15.00 Lbs </td> <td class="det-pad"> </td> </tr> <!-- End Multiple Labels --> </tbody></table> <!-- Begin SII Link --><!-- End SII Link --><!-- DCR form --> <input name="HIDDEN_FIELD_SESSION" value="jMs?@VLq?@|bZusm\V@rJfLd[vLhZuwmQEdcXETmPeddZEPHZV@kS~hEh|VjKN[K??@w[F[K???@DJJKXSS???CT[vG?CUh`\eCm\VPhZAxGWVLgRUDo@O^Yo[KUWLCB??HE??hkZuDcPeDb\E|qQO?H\E`qXVLgZupc]F?~O???????BF[G????C?????Hs??lGQSPCPSx^RCdRTFLq?@LiWVX`JfTsYUomQEDrYFP`WepdCzkNHQDIxJ_B??HE??hkZuDcPeDb\E|qQO?H\E`qXVLgZupc]F?~O???????Gv[G????Jo???@Ls??dQXVDtXVLsXVHs??\TSDLGZutd\??PRTTKTCdORCT^Ss`HSD@DSdLs??TeWUprXVO?AEto[eTeZfTl\???\??PRc|SVsDKRD|RUTL^OTX@QSpp?Fw?AfO?CtPx[ETNXcdm[VTh[fdM\UtaXVHs??DS\??LXEdqXULsVuPd\EDhZFO?@FPq\UTs??`s[eDbYuxtZVO?CbDYPR_pKrctKBKxLrKoLRKuKvO?CvPqWULjZfTl[t|cYVLoZEDxXUPs??Ct\??JXEHHZePhWuDsZvHs??SpKb?qKfO??upnWvO?@UTmVtTR\??PRfTlWeTqPETsWUdkREdmXVLs??Cp\??MQUxp\Udq]SxtZUHd[bDs?@GpUcSwKRKxLR?rMR[rKBSrLbLs??pQXVDtXVLsXVHTScps?Ahg\FPoMa{n\v\vJfTo[qxbZusnWu|m\ETm\A|t[q|dZa|hZePd]Axi[v`s??lcXVP`YUp^\FdoXVO??v@jXvO?BEHt\FPnZd|hZePd]FC?^_?Z\??JQDPLRDXd[fLhZuxs??KtJb@s?@d@XvHdXTPnTETqZVL@ZePBZuxcYVPhZuxr\??B]UTr\??HZVTk\EdrYEdo[O@}??hs??xe[e|lTFH`WulHZf@t\FC?^_?P]FO?CtPQOSLJVsP@TCD^RCdMPSdSPStr[O@}??S~O???????AF[G????Ao????Hs??\l[EphZeSp\VG?CtlKYeDuWQxkWUxfJdLs[edmXrmlsdZfyPtzPoG??F`o????OfC?^_?K\??ART@s??HTSvO?ABGoKB[oMBGx[O@}??ps??WpKRSrLR@s??DL\??BKB?p[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}?@\p?Fw?BFC?^_?K\??GKb?oLr?wKbds??g_GA?_GA@TSrSo\??GKbDaLBGwWeTs?C[rKBKwKUKrLb\aKBHaWb?pKB?sKRDdWr``MB_qLuSpLR\eJBKoKr_pWrKuLuGoKeHaKBCoKBOpKUTbMECwMBGvXRdaLuWkJFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFO??RDp?Fw?BFC?^_?K\??DKRSmKB@s??_qKB?vKB_qMVO?@FPc\FLs??@s??@p?Fw?BFC?^_?K\??GKb?oLr?xKBTs??@p?Fw?BFO?@c\QRtTMPFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}?BHp?Fw?BFO??FO?@bCpLRKtKFC?^_?R\??BRCHR[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K\??DZEdmXRDt[O@}?Ao???@A[O@}??pp?Fw?JfC?^_?n\??GKb?oLr?wKbdp?Fw?BFO?@bCpLRKtKFC?^_?q[O@}?BLp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?DvC?^_?K[O@}??ps??_qKB?vKB_qMVC?^_?t\??GKbDaLBGwWeTs?C[rKBKwKUKrLb\aKBHaWb?pKB?sKRDdWr``MB_qLuSpLR\eJBKoKr_pWrKuLuGoKeHaKBCoKBOpKUTbMECwMBGvXRdaLuWkJFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?w[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?x\??GKb?oLr?wKbdp?Fw?MvO??FO??FC?^_?K[O@}??ps??_qKB?vKBcoLVO??FC?^_?K[O@}?C@p?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?q[O@}??ps??@s??WpKRSrLR@p?Fw?CvC?^_@B[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K[O@}??pp?Fw?BFC?^_?K]F`w" type="hidden"> <form name="dcrdir" action="#"> <input name="action" value="" type="hidden"> </form> <!-- END: DCR form --><!-- Begin Package Progress --><!-- End Package Progress -->
Tracking results provided by UPS: 08/29/2007 2:05 P.M. ET

I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.
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If you have receved a tracking number today can you please PM me with the tracking number so that I can put this to rest.

We here at SatelliteGuys value our members, and I even believe that the seller understands that we will do what we can to protect our members from fraud. You guys work hard for your money, and you also put your trust in SatelliteGuys and our supporting members who sell stuff in our classifieds section. We thank you for your trust and hopefully when this is all said and done everyone gets what they wanted from this transaction.
If you have receved a tracking number today can you please PM me with the tracking number so that I can put this to rest.

We here at SatelliteGuys value our members, and I even believe that the seller understands that we will do what we can to protect our members from fraud. You guys work hard for your money, and you also put your trust in SatelliteGuys and our supporting members who sell stuff in our classifieds section. We thank you for your trust and hopefully when this is all said and done everyone gets what they wanted from this transaction.

Well no tracking for me yet but I am now hopeful and I am so impressed at the sense of community and support here that I just became a supporting member. This certainly is the BEST sattelite forum on the net. Thanks guys.
Not totally I recall they had enough votes in the state senate to succeed, but they never got the opportunity since they were jailed.

Yes, you're right. My confuser is overwhelming my rememberer. Still, they go down in history with the Yankees. List of CSA states. Note that agreement on who is officially with who has never been completely agreed upon. I'd go with the states listed by Congress in their "In order to be readmitted to the Union,......." requirements. Yes, agreements under duress, and laws "unlawfully" passed by Congress, are and have been enforced.

But I'll close with this OT posting.

Yes, I also am reluctant to buy from anyone with less than a 98% rating. And let's hope the box arrives, and not containing just a brick. Of course, if it's stolen goods, I doubt he'd ship it out now. How long do you have to wait for pickup status before you can file w/UPS, etc?

There might still be a good explanation.
I paid two weeks ago and have not gotten a response from him either when I emailed him asking where my shipment was. I have been worried lately about it after reading this thread and not hearing from him. I am always careful when buying online. A while back me and another guy on here made a purchase for SuperDishes and he didn't ship them. He got info on where he worked and got caught because the retailer stated that he was stealing them. We got our money back after it was said that an FBI investigation was going to be done. I got an extra $50 out of him for the trouble too.

I always try to do the right thing. I've sold items on here in the past and never had a complaint and if something was wrong I made it right. I always try to be careful when buying on here and I look to see how long a person was a member on here and if it is a supporting founder. I find these credentials of an individual to make him/her less likely to rip off one of his/her own on a site like this. If someone messages someone about an item and there is an issue the right thing to do is to respond back and explain the situation instead of ignoring the person.

I will have to file a PayPal claim and will go further with the information that will be provided by the administrators on this site if I do not get my item. That is one great thing about this site, the admin sure do their best to protect the people on this site. I suggest we have a buyer/seller rating system so that people will know how well trusted the person. I have been on ebay for almost 6 years and have 100% feedback because I always try to keep the customer satisfied if there is an issue, as long as they are not trying to change the auction rules and try to get something for nothing.

Reason For The Delay Was I Was In A Serious Car Accident, The Kind Where The Insurance Company Totals Your Vehicle. I Was Only Able To Today Get Back To Work And Catch Up On All The Emails, The Ups Labels Were Generated Today And Were Dropped Off At The Local Ups Store And Should Arrive Shortly. I Apologize For Any Delays.
Reason For The Delay Was I Was In A Serious Car Accident, The Kind Where The Insurance Company Totals Your Vehicle. I Was Only Able To Today Get Back To Work And Catch Up On All The Emails, The Ups Labels Were Generated Today And Were Dropped Off At The Local Ups Store And Should Arrive Shortly. I Apologize For Any Delays.

Hope your ok. What's with the capitalizing every word?
Sorry to hear that. For future reference... most of this thread could have been prevented if you would have responded to the buyers' (who had already paid) inquiry emails & PMs, since you were already responding to the potential buyers' messages. Or answered all messages in a first in, first out basis without prioritizing toward potential buyers... or held off on responses entirely while you recovered. At any rate, I hope all of this gets cleared up for everyone and I hope you are ok.
A few buyers also called you and when you asked who they were you hung up on them.

See why the red flags went up?

I do hope you are ok as well.
Well, if this is true I do hope that you are ok.

I still haven't seen any movement on the package when tracking (still just says billing information received), and you apparently didn't ship my package where you were supposed to ship it, as per my paypal request and our discussion prior to my payment being made.

The fact is, you still LIED since you told me well BEFORE your supposed accident that you had ALREADY SHIPPED IT. Here is the message you sent me back on the 22nd via PM after I had already been trying to contact you for several days!

Re: 622
<hr style="color: rgb(41, 22, 111);" size="1"> you need to realiser i work and runa business and cant allways answer emails quickly, it has been sent, period

See there, it says "it has been sent, period" and that was on the 22nd. Strange how something could have been shipped back then, and you couldn't provide the info, and then you provide shipping information YESTERDAY only AFTER several of us escalated our claims with paypal, and everyone here started gathering so much information on you and were prepared to take it to the authorities.

I still don't believe a word of it.
When I sent an email to him it showed it as being opened but I still got no response from him.

If you have been in a car accident then we hope you are ok. We can understand if things happen. The thing is, if you have the heart to hang up on people, lie to them, and open the email but not respond back, then you could have given people a response back telling them an update and what your saying about the car accident is going to be hard to believe since you have said things before to people that were not true.

He could have stated that he sent the package by creating the label before he gets the item and putting that label into the system so that the item looks like it has been sent out. I've seen people do this before.

What I dont understand is why he ships to some people and responds back to them but won't respond or ship out the items to others unless he plans on getting the items but hasn't yet.

I have not yet received a trucking label and he told me he was shipping it parcel post to me. Something just seems fishy.

If you run a business then this is not how to run it. Before your "car accident" these things were still happening so that cannot be a good excuse for your actions. When someone asks me a question about an item they bought off of me I give them an answer instead of putting them off so that there are no problems and to keep the customer satisfied.
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