I just spent the last 3 hours out in the 90 degree sun, giving my Dish a tune up.
There have been a number of channels that moved since my last tune up which I did in the fall last year that I could not pick up after they moved.
In addition I couldn't get in a few channels I really wanted (Such as Dr Gene Scott and PBS)
So today I headed outside, with my LCD TV, My Fortec Mercury II receiver and my Super Buddy Satellite Meter.
While I didn't need the TV and receiver out there, I took them with me as it was easy to have the motor move the dish, instead of keep running in the house up the stairs, changing satellites then running back outside again.
What I then did was moved the motor to the Zero position, then did a factory reset on my Fortec Mercury II receiver.
I then setup the LNB and USUALs and went to my "True South" satllite which for me is AMC 6. I lossened up the bolts on the dish so I could move it and then grabbed my Supere Buddy Meter and watched it as I moved the Dish around. Within a few seconds I had a strong locked signal on the SuperBuddy. I tightened the bolts down a little bit on the dish so I no longer needed to hold it.
I then did a quick FTA scan on Galaxy 26 (It was IA6) and got in a bunch of channels, and a nice signal of around 68 on GBN.
I then moved the Dish to a satellite I have always had trouble with Galaxy 26, I could never get Dr Gene Scott's University Network to lock in for me. So since this is one of the channels I wanted to get, I aimed for that channel.
When the Dish moved I did have signal, but it was very weak from this transponder.
I then pushed and pulled on the bottom of the dish while looking at the SuperBuddy Mirror. BOOM the signal shot up into the 70's. I loosened the dish slightly and pushed it down while keeping an eye on the Super Buddy meter. When I found the top signal I could get for this transponder, I again locked it down.
I did a scan for FTA and was soon watching Dr Gene Scott.
To make sure I did not screw anything up I went back to AMC6 to find that my signals on AMC6 were better then before!
Now I wanted to make sure I was on the arc, so time to swing the Dish over to my favorite satellite G10R.
It moved over and BINGO, I was seeing signals in the 70's and even a few in the 80's I was really happy.
I then locked down the dish completely as tight as I could, that puppy isn't going anywhere!
Its amazing how much a difference less then a centimeter makes on your satellite signal!
Before taking in all my equipment in again I wanted to see if I could finally get PBS on AMC, as I have not been able to pick it up since them moved last year... when the dish stopped moving I did a scan and I now have PBS!
I am VERY impressed with this SuperBuddy meter (note Applied Instruments the folks who make the SuperBuddy are sponsors of SatelliteGuys.US) however they did not pay me anything to talk about this meter. By having the meter on the fortec and on the SuperBuddy at the same time I saw on my slight changes on the SuperBuddy meter which helped me obtain a perfect signal that I was unable to get with the on screen Fortec meter.
For my next project now I need to get my fortec hooked up to my Slingbox so I can surf the skies from work or my cell phone.

There have been a number of channels that moved since my last tune up which I did in the fall last year that I could not pick up after they moved.
In addition I couldn't get in a few channels I really wanted (Such as Dr Gene Scott and PBS)
So today I headed outside, with my LCD TV, My Fortec Mercury II receiver and my Super Buddy Satellite Meter.
While I didn't need the TV and receiver out there, I took them with me as it was easy to have the motor move the dish, instead of keep running in the house up the stairs, changing satellites then running back outside again.
What I then did was moved the motor to the Zero position, then did a factory reset on my Fortec Mercury II receiver.
I then setup the LNB and USUALs and went to my "True South" satllite which for me is AMC 6. I lossened up the bolts on the dish so I could move it and then grabbed my Supere Buddy Meter and watched it as I moved the Dish around. Within a few seconds I had a strong locked signal on the SuperBuddy. I tightened the bolts down a little bit on the dish so I no longer needed to hold it.
I then did a quick FTA scan on Galaxy 26 (It was IA6) and got in a bunch of channels, and a nice signal of around 68 on GBN.
I then moved the Dish to a satellite I have always had trouble with Galaxy 26, I could never get Dr Gene Scott's University Network to lock in for me. So since this is one of the channels I wanted to get, I aimed for that channel.
When the Dish moved I did have signal, but it was very weak from this transponder.
I then pushed and pulled on the bottom of the dish while looking at the SuperBuddy Mirror. BOOM the signal shot up into the 70's. I loosened the dish slightly and pushed it down while keeping an eye on the Super Buddy meter. When I found the top signal I could get for this transponder, I again locked it down.
I did a scan for FTA and was soon watching Dr Gene Scott.
To make sure I did not screw anything up I went back to AMC6 to find that my signals on AMC6 were better then before!
Now I wanted to make sure I was on the arc, so time to swing the Dish over to my favorite satellite G10R.
It moved over and BINGO, I was seeing signals in the 70's and even a few in the 80's I was really happy.
I then locked down the dish completely as tight as I could, that puppy isn't going anywhere!
Its amazing how much a difference less then a centimeter makes on your satellite signal!
Before taking in all my equipment in again I wanted to see if I could finally get PBS on AMC, as I have not been able to pick it up since them moved last year... when the dish stopped moving I did a scan and I now have PBS!
I am VERY impressed with this SuperBuddy meter (note Applied Instruments the folks who make the SuperBuddy are sponsors of SatelliteGuys.US) however they did not pay me anything to talk about this meter. By having the meter on the fortec and on the SuperBuddy at the same time I saw on my slight changes on the SuperBuddy meter which helped me obtain a perfect signal that I was unable to get with the on screen Fortec meter.
For my next project now I need to get my fortec hooked up to my Slingbox so I can surf the skies from work or my cell phone.