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FXX Channel 125 Tiling and Pixelating | SatelliteGuys.US

FXX Channel 125 Tiling and Pixelating


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 9, 2007
Channel 125 on Dish Satellite is Tiling and Pixelating. Works fine of Dish Anywhere. I guess the Dish quality control is out to lunch.
We're aware that there are multiple channels with pixilation. We're working on a resolution now.
I'm SO glad to see this post...this has been happening on one of my HWS's since this AM, but not on the other, though it was tuned to different channels. On the bad one, I only changed around a couple of channels & it was doing this on all of them, so I honestly thought the receiver was dying. :eeek
Luckily the channel I watch a lot on this one (SS KTLA) seems to be back to normal now.
My 722k on WA had alot of the satellite 110 channels pixelating when I left for work at 2pm.
Pulled the plug for 10 mins, and ran a check switch. Everything was showing good signal.
Then when the acquisition of signal screen got to the second bar it showed a complete loss of signal error.
I am hoping it will be fixed by the time I get home at midnight.
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My local NBC channel 11, Lubbock Texas, was having minor smearing and pixellation problems during the NASCAR race.

I finally gave up and watched it OTA on my TiVo - picture perfect.

No problems tonight, that I've seen.
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Our picture quality is poor and I think sometimes getting worse. Channels freezing a lot of the time and some channels it'd like watching the old Japnese movies where you hear them speak and then about three seconds later their lips move.
If this is your frequent experience, I would suggest contacting technical support. You may need your satellite repointed or moved.
If this is your frequent experience, I would suggest contacting technical support. You may need your satellite repointed or moved.
Last night during 911 Lonestar the picture froze and pixellated 42 times(yes 42 times), we have a clear line of sight, weather was clear, signal level on the locals around 50, other channels in the 60's and 70's.
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