"Would you like Insurance on that".
Never again am I buying their stupid insurance.
Got a digital camera and was told the insurance covered accidental damage. Paid $120 for their stupid policy.
A month later, I broke the LCD screen.
Ok no problem, took the camera to Best Buy to get repaired.
The kid at the counter told me it was abuse, and the warranty didn’t apply. The manager got involved, and wanted to stand firm on the warranty being voided.
I never loose my cool, but I started yelling at the manager and causing a scene, saying their warranty was worthless. Meanwhile the manager kept on offering my money back on the warranty. I wasn’t accepting a refund because I knew after I get my money back I would never get them to honor the warranty.
The manager gets smart with me and decides to look up the cost of the screen repair... BAM $60 to fix the screen.
Ok A$$hole, give me my $120 back on your stupid warranty and here is $60 to fix the screen.
So that’s what they did, refunded $60 and fixed my camera.
Never again will I ever buy another Best Buy extended warranty. Every time they try to sell me a warranty I waste their time telling this story.
Why even bother with a warranty these days on anything. Smaller electronic items will be obsolete before the warranty is expired.
Other items like a cable modem for example, I can’t be without and would buy a new one at Walmart at 3am before trying to take it back to the store and finding my receipt the next day.
Only time I would ever consider a warranty would be on a $5000 flat screen Tv.
Anything else, just junk and buy new