Remember WEB TV? That died was just too early for its timeI think this will help. Too bad 3d is dead
The low cost LCD 3D projectors hit the market about the same time as the 3D BD began hitting the shelves. Higher end 3D projectors began to surface a year later. But 1080p 2D was out in 2008 and HT projectors in 720P ware introduced around 2001. Prior to that everything was CRT.
I may have missed the word affordable.
Possibly. Because in the beginning the early active panels from Samsung were about $5000 and the JVC Projectors were $4000, $6000, and $10,000 IIRC. The Sony was $10,000 but I didn't pay that. I believe it was $6300. I also paid about $1500 for a new AVR and $250 for the 3DBD player. I also upgraded to 7.1 at the same time so I bought two more speakers in the bundle. I don't believe 3D projectors came down in price until later on when you said you made the upgrade and they were around $3000 for the Epson and similar brands. I believe then Sony and JVC were still the only two 3D projector companies out there. I also believe Panasonic had a 3D projector in 2010 but it was over $10,000 and didn't stay on the market long. These were all single lens projectors. There were a bunch of companies that came out in 2008 with twin lens packages and silver screen using polarized glasses but everyone of these were very expensive and terrible looking picture.
For me, this was affordable, because I tried to buy wholesale through my business. One thing we all know about "affordable" in the expensive hobby of HT, is that this stuff always gets cheaper and better with the passage of time. If wanting to be on the cutting edge, it costs more so we seek other ways to reduce cost. The first projector I owned was a Kloss Novabeam in '76 and kept it until the early 90's. Then replaced it with a used Electrohome and finally upgraded to a Dwin digital when they first came out. That one listed for $10,000 too but I also bought that factory direct, wholesale. Still pricey by today's market. By comparison, it seems today's HT prices are dirt cheap, while media has jumped greatly. Affordability is all relative on many levels.
I had a Kloss Novabeam back in 1977.
KLOSS: projection television/model Novabeam 100.
From the companythat pioneered projection television comes this front- projector model, available in screen sizes of 5, 6 1/2 and 10 feet (diagonally measured).
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