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Godd install Michigan MicroTech

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 18, 2004
North of Toledo
Good install Michigan MicroTech

Thought I might tell a story of a good install.

I did post this in that other forum as well, but I consider that one the forum of D* info and Sat Guys the forum of understanding that info.

So anyway, I was on the waiting list for the HR20 for a couple weeks and they happened to call when I was home. I set up an install for the AT9 and HR20 for 12-4.
I had been talking to retention who offered me the HR20 for free and would charge me only the 19.99 install fee, but give me a credit for $20 bucks, sweet.

Saturday the installer calls at 8 am and says he is on his way, but...
He noticed I have the 10-250 and he questioned the work order for a H20. He took it upon himself to have an extra HR20 just in case.
He told me I needed to call D* and see if I could get a new work order # because he could not put in the HR20 without it.

I called D* and had to be escalated twice, but found someone willing to read their notes on my account instead of just looking at the work order. He saw I was not lying, apologies and said that he could do the following.
Sell me the HR20 for three payments of 99.66, give me a credit for $250 dollars now and $10 off per month for a year.

Bottom line I got the unit installed for a -$50 dollars
+300+20(install)-250-120 = -$50

I set up the hr20 in the LR and the 10-250 in the bedroom while the installer put up the at9. We took some time to have a cup of coffee and talk. At first the guy was teaching me. He told me I could get 300 hours of SD and 3 hours of HD. I told him it was 30, his answer was, that makes sense, I was taught 3. After that we went over a number of things he knew and things I knew.

It was a great experience and I have a new appreciation of what installers go through. Without his heads up this would be a tale of frustration and anger.

A bonus, I really like the HR20 bugs and all. They will fix it.
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Yes I believe they will fix it but they have been working on the R15 for a year this month and it still leaves a lot to be desired. As much as I dislike DISH they have a better DVR than D* has.
Good for you. My experiences with Michigan Microtech have been less than stellar. However, they have some good senior techs that come back and clean up the half-azzed jobs the first level installers mess up.
Good for you. My experiences with Michigan Microtech have been less than stellar. However, they have some good senior techs that come back and clean up the half-azzed jobs the first level installers mess up.

I got a guy from the west side of Monroe County and even though he was ill-informed he was willing to listen. Too many people think they know it all, and way too many people live only by the paperwork.
I got a guy from the west side of Monroe County and even though he was ill-informed he was willing to listen. Too many people think they know it all, and way too many people live only by the paperwork.

Glad to see you got your set up going now. I had a good installer too( out of Finley, Ohio) . I too chatted with him and taught him a few things, minor but none the less.

He did not know that the HR20-700 did not have the OTA tuner active and didn't know the remote was RF either.
He was very helpful in explaining how the AT-9 is set up, he knows I will do the next one myself.

Just wish I knew for sure that the MPEG 4 will work when the time comes and that I could get the Red Wings in HD, see I'm missing tonights game in HD already.
Thats another story though, I finally found a phone number for FSN Detroit that is not automated and have a boss looking into it with the FOX people out in California.
Otherwise, he told me I will get my FSN HD in August of next year,when more bandwidth is freed up, I,let him know that I have enough signal strengh to get it now, so he is looking into it, I am awaiting an email from them.

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What the *ell??? HD DVR.

Dreambox or PC as a reciever?

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