Aren't there already D* forums?
I Guess Dish Is Adding Locals Hd Is Good News And Now On To What Is The Djfdfjkhfkhfjkhfhe3490 With Dish No New Hd Nationals.
I think they are waiting to light up more than just two channels at once... If you light up just SciFi and USA you make some people happy but then the bitching about when is X going HD since D* has it already will continue... if they light up 8-10 channels (Presumably some of those "test" channels that we cannot see including 1-2 exclusives then there is less to bitch about... just my two cents
Hey, I agree there. I know everyone is looking for National HD but when we got our HD locals here in Columbus on D* I have to tell you, that was a freaking good day!
Hmm... Good News, the title kinda reminds me of church. Perhaps, we should sing a song "Soon and very soon, we're gonna have more HD!"
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