Just goes to show nothing is bug free especially Apples..
BBC News - Half a million Mac computers 'infected with malware'

BBC News - Half a million Mac computers 'infected with malware'
The only malware that I'm finding on my iMac is associated with Windows programs that I run via Parallels.
Not in this particular case: Apple has only released the Java patch this week, while Windows, Linux and Unix Java updates were released back on February 14.It also ignores the fact that Apple is very aggressive at pushing updates. The article stated that Apple posted a fix quite some time ago, so I seriously doubt there are a large number of machines that are still infected.
I've turned off Java in my browser and have been running that way for a few days. I've yet to go to a site that seems to want to use it. I'm starting to wonder why I installed Java to begin with.
"We are not sure that all 500K [of the Flashback bots] are Mac users," said Aleks Gostov, a chief security expert with Kaspersky, in a message on Twitter on Thursday. "I have some suspicions that probably bots for Windows [are] also present."
Gostov seemed to base his opinion on the fact that Windows machines provide a GUID (globally unique identifier), Microsoft's implementation of the UUID standard. If Doctor Web wasn't able to correctly parse the hexadecimal string that represents the GUID/UUID, the Russian firm may have counted Windows PCs among the 600,000-plus it thinks are Mac machines.
TNGTony said:Now that mac has taken a larger market share, you will find more and more and more viruses directed towards that platform. Mac isn't immune to viruses and malware. Up until very recently there weren't enough Mac users to make it worth the hacker's while. That is changing now thanks to the Iphone and Ipad.
Security experts: 600,000-plus estimate of Mac botnet likely on target | Macworld
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