Added HBO yesterday. Thought the HD was good pq when I had it several months ago. Now it looks substandard. Some pixelation and soft images. Has something happened to explain this? I'm using a dish1000 and a 942.
cebbigh said:Added HBO yesterday. Thought the HD was good pq when I had it several months ago. Now it looks substandard. Some pixelation and soft images. Has something happened to explain this? I'm using a dish1000 and a 942.
chipvideo said:Dish sends out a pretty piss poor bit rate on HBO. Less than 12 on the 129 bird. I understand that with my cable company it is above 15.
chipvideo said:Dish sends out a pretty piss poor bit rate on HBO. Less than 12 on the 129 bird. I understand that with my cable company it is above 15.
dfergie said:Pq on 148 is much better on Both HBO and SHO... better bitrate...
NightRyder said:FYI - HBO-HD is on the 110 and 148 satellites, not 129.
cebbigh said:Discovery HD is on the same sat (110) and is at 14.33 Mbps and I find that PQ is excellent.
HDTVFanAtic said:DiscoveryHD bitrate has been dropping constantly over the last year.
Sunrise Earth Episodes that took up to 7.5Gig of space a year ago now take in the mid5's - with Ninagiak Island coming in less than 4Gig yesterday during both airings. It was 4.5Gig 30 days ago.
Those are apple to apples comparisons of same shows and content.
And fwiw, HBO HD East distribution feed isn't even as high as you quote. Most see the same bitrate from Dish as they do from 4DTV. Showtime HD East is much higher - and higher than Showtime HD West.
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