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HD-DVD Movies (Free Shipping) | SatelliteGuys.US

HD-DVD Movies (Free Shipping)


Rich or poor, it's good to have money.
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Some New. Some played once.
New titles are $12
Played titles are $10
Volume Discount.
Free shipping.

New $12
A Clockwork Orange - SOLD
Black Rain - PENDING
Full Metal Jacket - PENDING
The Thing
U2 Rattle and Hum

Played Once $10 (exc. as noted)
2001 A Space Odyssey
Apollo 13 - SOLD
Blazing Saddles - SOLD
Casino - PENDING
Christmas Story
Forbidden Planet
Goodfellas - PENDING
Notting Hill
Blade Runner Special 5-disc Set - $20 (The most amazing "special edition" box set I have ever owned.)
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Just because Toshiba has stopped making the players doesn't mean you can't use yours for many months to come, until Blu-Ray finally settles on a standard, and comes down in price.

So, why not use this opportunity to add some great titles to your HD-DVD collection at very affordable prices? Volume discounts available.

Since I can't go back and edit the first post, (does the edit option time out?), I have updated the list of available titles below:
Some New. Some played once.
New titles are $12
Played titles are $10
Free shipping.

New $12
A Clockwork Orange - SOLD
Black Rain - PENDING
Full Metal Jacket - PENDING
The Thing -SOLD
U2 Rattle and Hum - included with sale of my HD-A2 player.

Played Once $10 (exc. as noted)
2001 A Space Odyssey - SOLD
Apollo 13 - SOLD
Blazing Saddles - SOLD
Casino - PENDING
Christmas Story - SOLD
Dune - SOLD
Forbidden Planet - Pending
Goodfellas - PENDING
Notting Hill - SOLD
Blade Runner Special 5-disc Set - $20 - SOLD
Last edited:

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