But I thought HD-DVD was a mature format with specs defined long ago in stone, why all the firmware updates, my DVD players never needed a firmware update. Why are HD-DVD disks so delicate and easy to scratch, make sure you wash that brand new state of the art disk in warm soapy water when you want to watch it. I would rather have my feature incomplete PS3 playing every disk I have flawlessly then a feature complete piece of junk, that hardly plays easily scratched disks. Now you might counter that the PS3 gets updates all the time, yes it does, to add new or improved features, better up-conversion, PIP, hopefully down the line Internet interactivity ( and not because I want it, just so you can quit whining about how your failed, doomed format is superior because a bunch of nerds with nothing better to do can watch a movie together and plan their potty breaks. ) This is the war forum, people come here to argue points of view, someone slamming HD-DVD in the HD-DVD forum is trolling, disagreeing with you in an open debate is not trolling. And you yourself exaggerate and sensationalize every fault of Blu-Ray, here in the war forum which is perfectly fine, that is your right. It is also the right of the opposition you have set the standards yourself.