im going to have 3 HD boxes down stairs, main TV in living room will have HD DVR, family room and bed room will have HD box, but will i have to have wires run ( i have tile, so cant hide wires) through my house? how does it work? thanks
aw man, can they use the coax cable that i currently use for comcast?
Very possible. Depends if your cable company used splitters along the way or ran all cables to a central location and is the correct type. How long ago was the cable run?
It all depends on how the cable is run. To hard to say without knowing how things were run.
DirecTV and cable internet CANNOT run over the same coax. MRV uses the same freq spectrum. You will either need to switch to DSL or VDSL (U-verse) or run a dedicated coax line from the cable tap to the modem.
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