Any suggestions on how to still get HD picture on my Joey TV (TV 2) when the TV only has component and S video and no HDMI/DVI? Its an old HD TV before HDMI was standard. Thanks for any help out there.
My basement TV is an older HDTV and I am using a HDMI-DVI cable for it's Joey. It works fine. Not sure if the tuner box will cause a problem or not. Monoprice (the site linked above) has pretty cheap HDMI-DVI cables so you can give it a try.Thanks for everyone's help. The new TV would be my choice, but just convinced wife for us to spend to upgrade to Hopper, so may save new TV discussion for another day. I figured the converter box would be an option. Its an old school HDTV and I even have the external HD Tuner box for it. The HD TUner does have DVI in/out, so would it be possible to take a HDMI to DVI cable from the Joey to the HD Tuner and then component from the HD Tuner to the TV?? Would I get the quality I am looking for and would this even work? Thanks for helping out a newbie to this forum.
Yes. If it is indeed an input, it would work. You will have to run an audio cable (red and white RCA connectors), as DVI does not carry audio. The tuner should also have an audio input to work with the DVI input, if it is actually an input and not an output.The HD TUner does have DVI in/out, so would it be possible to take a HDMI to DVI cable from the Joey to the HD Tuner and then component from the HD Tuner to the TV?? Would I get the quality I am looking for and would this even work? Thanks for helping out a newbie to this forum.
356B said:I've got a 2004 Phillips HDTV with no HDMI input, it does have Y/PB/PR, VGA (computer input) and a component (input red, white, Yellow.
My question is can I get HD to the TV from the HDMI with a HDMI to VGA cable? I noticed the Joey does not have Y/PB/PR outputs. Or must I use a HDMI converter to the Y/PB/PR in's.
You must use a converter.
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