Why not. They could do it on 999. At a certain time every morning for a half hour. Or maybe every Monday morning. Or something like the first Monday in the month.bdcrow00 said:I wasn't sure which Forum I should list this in but, hey VOOM, how about adding an occasional HD test pattern show a la HDNET?
I would sure like to see one. Anyone else?
I completely agree with the suggestion, and in fact I was suggesting this to VOOM many times in the past. All I am saying, is that in the meantime there is at least some solution for those of us subscribing to those premium channels.gutter said:Ilya, that is a lot of work and doesn't help those who choose not to subscribe to those premiums. I have suggested this several times. It wouldn't hurt VOOM to do that on one channel at a very late hour or very early in the morning. I'll set my alarm and I am sure a few others would also.
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