HD Tivo price to drop to $599 on 7/31/05
hdtvtechno said:HD Tivo price to drop to $599 on 7/31/05
djsmokyc said:solid signal has it for $599 right now, actually
you have to add the hr10-250 to your shopping cart to see the price, though
DTV TiVo Dealer said:You are correct, but it's $619 with shipping and of course, we match all competitors lowest prices, plus you get our 5 yr. extended warranty and our HD DVR T-shirt included at no charge.
DTV TiVo Dealer said:You are correct, but it's $619 with shipping and of course, we match all competitors lowest prices, plus you get our 5 yr. extended warranty and our HD DVR T-shirt included at no charge.
DTV TiVo Dealer said:$619.00 is our best net cost delivered to your door. 5 yr. warranty and HD DVR T-shirt included.
DTV TiVo Dealer said:I am 99.999% sure DIRECTV will upgrade your HR10-250 at no charge once MPEG-4 becomes available in your DMA, which in your area should be December 2005.
Regarding the SD DVR, the decision is hard for me to recommend. If you wait until 8/1/05 you will have a choice of the R10 or R15, assuming R10's are still available.
Buying on-line or by phone is available. On-line is faster, but both are available.
asousa said:Robert, if this is true...they i would consider it. Just of of curiousity though...what makes you so sure? Also, would the price of the new HD DVR be similiar? Will they be releaseing National HD MPEG4 before my market at #49? But the most curious question is what makes you so sure they will replace for free?
and if you are sooo sure would you be willing to guarentee it though VE if it wasn't ;-)
DTV TiVo Dealer said:I speak with DIRECTV management very frequently and I ask this question many many times and always get the same answer.
rip74 said:does that price include the satellite dish needed for HD? what about the OTA antenna (I've seen this added in with a 2 year agreement)?
I'm updating all of my equipment to an HD theater for movies/football and have been watching the status of this mpeg2/4 issue for a while. I'm a little nervous to spend so much on an mpeg2 HD sat without knowing what's happening with mpeg4. I also don't want to wait and find out mpeg4 won't be available (due to delayed rollout or high demand/low supply) until late into or after the football season (might as well just buy now).
if mpeg4 rolls out soon, will some content only be available on mpeg4 channels or will we still be able to get that content via mpeg2 for some time so we can upgrade?
sorry if the additional questions are off topic.
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