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Help 622 stopped in the middle of bowl game! | SatelliteGuys.US

Help 622 stopped in the middle of bowl game!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 28, 2006
Sorry if this issude has been posted but I couldn't find it in a quick search.
Got this 622 about 1.5 weeks ago after the first 622 we had died after a year or trouble free service. A power outage at the same time as the daily update I think did it in. So we get this 622, I'm sure a refurb. Works fine for a week and a half, now that the bowl games are on, it started to spontanesuly reboot :mad: It first started and I thought a remote must have been bumped to turn it off. After i figure out that's not it I press the power button on the box, nothing, unplug replug, nothing but drive whine. let it sit several minutes and it starts to accuire signal, gets up to step 2 or 5 then goes off again. Does this several times, 6-7. Then finally it goes through all the steps and the game is back on, a quarter and a half later :(
So I thought ok it's done misbehaving. Next game starts, the one I really want to watch, and 4mins later it starts over again! this time it was back after one reboot soonly miss like 5 min. Go another 5 min into the game and it happens again! :mad:
The box is on an open shelf with plenty of air, same place the previous sat for a year.
Chated with a tech, as I can't speak englidian yet, he said plug it into another outlet! :eek: Wow this outlet has worked fine for a year, the TV is working fine on this outlet, guess the outlet went bad :mad:
Any ideas? Do I need to get another 622? And sadly even overnight now in not until Wed! :mad:

Update, I know it is not: power outlet, HD channels, or the dish online. I have changed all those and disabled the online access.

Unpluged for 30min, pluged in few minutes later it was working, watched the game for exactly 7 min, and reboot. That took 6 min to complete.
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What's your signal level and is it stable over a 10 to 20 minute period of time?

I don't know, won't stay on ling enough to get thru the menu's :(

When I replaced the box last week signal was over 90 on all sat's. It's not losing signal and going thru the checks to get it back, it's going black screen or off completly. Sometime TV1 will br green, get an occasional blink on all lights. then after 5-10 min it will go thru the 5 step check again, work fine for 5-7 min then go blank again.
Well chatted with a tech for like 45min to an hour figuring I might understand them better than "Ed" from india.
Guess they can't read because they would tell me to do something I just told them I have all ready done! After convincing them that I have used 3 different power outlets (what ever that might do, if the AC in my house is bad, it's bad in all the outlets... and everything else is running fine, including no chirping UPS's (3)) I finally got them to send another 622 out. I tried to play hard ball and request free overnight since I'm missing ESPN ball games, the holiday, and it's their equip. failure not my fault, but they wanted $26 extra for that. So had to give in for 2 day, so I might get it by Thur :(

If I can get this one to come back to life, should I try the sticky thread HD reset? Is this loop software or hardware?
Well chatted with a tech for like 45min to an hour figuring I might understand them better than "Ed" from india.
Guess they can't read because they would tell me to do something I just told them I have all ready done! After convincing them that I have used 3 different power outlets (what ever that might do, if the AC in my house is bad, it's bad in all the outlets... and everything else is running fine, including no chirping UPS's (3)) I finally got them to send another 622 out. I tried to play hard ball and request free overnight since I'm missing ESPN ball games, the holiday, and it's their equip. failure not my fault, but they wanted $26 extra for that. So had to give in for 2 day, so I might get it by Thur :(

If I can get this one to come back to life, should I try the sticky thread HD reset? Is this loop software or hardware?

You have nothing to lose - I would definitely try re-initializing the HD. Unless you are having a signal problem either due to the dish or cables, then there is definitely something wrong on the receiver.

Let us know how the re-initialization goes.
Started having this same problem somewhere around on the 26th. Started out rather intermittently at first and would stay on for hours. Now the unit hardly starts up completely at all (green tv1 light lit with fan running). When it does come up and after a satellite acquistion it might stay up for 5-10 minutes before rebooting. Sometimes it will come right back up, others it will be down for hours. Unplugging for a few hours has has some success.
I've called dish and they are sending a replacement receiver. Though I'm not completely convinced that this isn't a firmware problem. I've seen 3 other reports in different forums of this same problem happening (622's and 722's) within the past week. One user had a replacement receiver sent for the same problem, the replacement unit started having the same problem within the day (he has a 3rd unit coming).

I had basically the same exact problem when I first had mine installed. The tech hooked it up and it worked fine, then it just rebooted out of the blue. Then again, then again like every 5 minutes or so and had to hard reboot each time which takes like 5 minutes. Finally it was working for about ten minutes so the tech packed up and just as he was pulling out of the driveway it did it again so I flagged him down and he swapped out the boxes. It has worked great ever since for the last 4 months or so.

Bottom line: Its probably the box.
Hope so. I'd hate the thought of having to spend another $14.95 for shipping yet another unit if the replacement fails the same way. I thought it was a bit odd that the tech tried to get me to buy a $5.95/mth warranty plan...maybe I'll reconsider if this happens again.

You have nothing to lose - I would definitely try re-initializing the HD. Unless you are having a signal problem either due to the dish or cables, then there is definitely something wrong on the receiver.

Let us know how the re-initialization goes.

I have to agree with the others now, it's the box. I don't think the signal would cause it to go blank, cycle on/off. That I would think would give the signal accurie message repeatily.

Anyway, I decided I was going to try the re-initialzation, and now it won't even turn on. I get TV1 & fans, but no visual outputs :( I've tried for hours and once it actually started to accurie signal, I immeaditly started the sequence. after the 3rd atempt (it restarted before I could finish) it gave a big long message that I got to read was your hard drive is..... then it went on for several lines, but blacked out before I could finish. I suppose this message was supposed to stay during the cycle? So I assume it started another round of fits before it got finished. So I'm leaning toward there is something wrong with the box, not the software, maybe firmware, I couldn't tell you what version this one had.

I'm begining to think Charlie's a Penn State hater! It started just before my game, then last night I'd thought I'd try this HD format, and guess what I saw some missed field goal by someone, then JoePa's face, My Game was on! Yeah, then blink dead again! :mad:

As I write this the box is sitting there with no lights on after the HD Format message dissapeared... we'll see if anything happens.
Firmware was what I was referring to. 4.48 for 622/722 was pushed starting on Dec 18th. Be that there were several reports of this same problem within the period of a new firmware download (which according to the release notes had some fixes for rebooting). A replacement receiver (or new installed) would pull the latest update during the initial power on/setup.
Granted this doesn't seem to be a widespread problem or there would be more than a handful of reports of the problem on the forums...but does beg the question if a faulty firmware download or certain criteria (say specific component hardware revision) or specific setup causes the receiver to flip out. Dish's Tech Portal doesn't have any information as to what a steady TV1 light by itself with reboots means, closest thing is a power light that flashes alternately that indicates that the unit is in "recovery mode".
I certainly hope a replacement will resolve it. I miss my DVR.

I had this happen on a replacement receiver that I had received. My thought was that it was overheating even though it was on an open shelf with all sides exposed. :mad: It would last for 2 -3 hours after being off all day or overnight and then get progressively worse after each reboot. Sent it back and have had no problems with the replacement.

You can check your temps: down and you will find High Temp.....Low Temp and Average temp.
I had this happen on a replacement receiver that I had received. My thought was that it was overheating even though it was on an open shelf with all sides exposed. :mad: It would last for 2 -3 hours after being off all day or overnight and then get progressively worse after each reboot. Sent it back and have had no problems with the replacement.

You can check your temps: down and you will find High Temp.....Low Temp and Average temp.

I don't think it's over heating. The house is cool, open air, and at best I can only get it to run for 2-3 min after being off for hours.

I did try the HD reset, don't think it ever finished, I think it rebooted before it was done. :(

So for now I'm going to use my 10yr+ old Big Dish box just to watch some channels :( Sadly ESPN was pulled last year, at least now most games are on OTA HD :)
I eliminated overheating as a possible cause as well. Non of the temp counters were registering any extreme. Being that it is winter the ambient temperature is relatively lower than normal. Just as a test I put a high powered room fan blowing directly into the unit's vent and across the top surface of the unit. No change...granted that some component may still be overheating to a point where this kind of cooling wouldn't be effective.

OK, Now I'm really Pissed! :mad: The replacement didn't ship for 5 days (I will allow 2 days for the weekend & new years) and finally arrived today.
Swap all the cables, go thru the setup, call to activate as well as tell them there was no return shiping label and request a programming credit. Had to explain twice that this is the 2nd replacement and thay's why there is all ready one request for credit, but that's another story.

Got authorised, go the the fun task of customising and setting everything up, locals, layout, etc. Start watching a HD channel just to "test" it out. 30 min later it rebooted. then 30 min after that, and now it's done it 5 times since I pluged it in 3 hrs ago. :mad:

What the heck is it going to take to get a *(&*&)* working 622!!??!!?!?

My first one was rock solid for a year! The only problem was when the icestorm took out power it was downloading it's daily updates and that messed it up.
I have removed the compont cables, thinking maybe for some reason the new 622's cant handle HDMI & Componet togather. Still rebooted, so removed HDMI as well, still rebooted. So now I have a composite output only + modulted output, still reboots! It's on an open shelf, plenty of air.
Should I make the (local) selling dealer come out and service me?

HDD Temp high 131, low 69, avg 75
AC Pwr?Hw WD: 6 (This is in about 3 hrs)
You are either having a signal problem or a temp problem but I'd lean more toward signal. Don't forget that the OTA tuner can cause lost signal reboots. You may have to clear that out and reboot then add back in any OTA channels you were watching before.
You are either having a signal problem or a temp problem but I'd lean more toward signal. Don't forget that the OTA tuner can cause lost signal reboots. You may have to clear that out and reboot then add back in any OTA channels you were watching before.

It passed it's switch tests. Shows 119 at signal 85. Locals all come in at 90+

I know cables can go bad, but I'm using the same cables that the old one was fine with for over a year.

I will try swapping some cables tommorow, I have to go to work now :(
622 Rebooting

Well I did everything I could think of. Swapped cables, still rebooting. removed all HD out put cables, still rebooted. So I took it to the dish outside, hooked it up directly, and still rebooted!

So yet another talk with another tech. "Did you change power outlets, and do this, do that.... etc etc." after explaining everything I've done.
He asked "did you get the new reciver we sent you?" Why no, you know I didn't wait 9 days to call back and complain of the same issue on an OLD reciever! Yes, yes i did get the new reciever, and guess what, it does the same thing! He said "the reciever we just sent you? The new one?"
Yup same thing! so far 12 times in about 4-5 hours.
So he offered to send yet another 622 out. I said well 2 bad 622's in 2 weeks, think I could possibly try a 722?
Well for $149 & a 18month commitment you can!
So I said screw it, send me a 3rd 622, yet again not succeding in geting free overnight shipping. so we'll see how long until this one shows up.

I even asked if there could be a problem at the dish, lnbf's or swithches, even tho it passes all it's tests. He didn't seem to care.
So If #3 is bad I'm going to see what actions I have to cancel the service w/o penalty. If they can't provide with me with the programming that should be a breach of contract on their side right?
If not 4 months and 6 days to go, then I go back to Big Dish C-band, and pay for the channels I want to watch, and my bill will be like $20/mo! Yeah! :D
Not sure if it means anything but just received an email from my company that dish has reported a shortage of 622 rec.. and that we have been authorized to use 722 on NC workorders without modifing them, just have to notate it.
Finaly got 622 #3. This one came from Alberquerque vs Spartan(?) SC. The outside box looked different, like a new box, not a replacement parts box. The instructions were orignals, not bad coppies, and it had cable stickers inside (line 1, 2, tv out etc). and it had black foam padding, 1 piece for the left and right sides, the first 2 had 4 pc white styrofoam.
This time when I called to activate, got "ed" didn't speak english well, but at least he got it right the first time w/o having to repeat the #'s like 6 times with box #1, but he transfered me staight away to Tech Support before I could ask or understand why. There I got what sounded like a US'n (Ky, TN accent maybe). And I asked why I was transfered, Oh sometimes on replacements they just do that (this was my first time). So after it activated & downloaded the phone/broadband connection box came up & I was stuck until I could get him off the phone. When I said that box was up, he said tell me if it goes away. and a min later it did.
So 24hrs have gone by (but box #1 lasted a week before it started rebooting rapidly, like not even completly loading and it'd start over again.).

So either 1) The ABQ Box is better than the SC boxes
2) the making the phone popup goaway had something to do with it
3) third times a charm
4) I didn't even look until now, the software is L448RBGB-N (I think this is different, but all old boxes are gone now)
You received as your first 622 a replacement box with a photocopied user manual and no original paperwork and labels? Did you go through a local company? Sounds like your third 622 should have been your first and the other two were junk somebody was trying to rip you off with.

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