Welcome to Satellite Guys!Ok I have a few NA satellites in my list. I have 60% signal, but when I do my blind scan its not finding any channels. My LNB Freq is on Universal (5150-11475) on all the satellites I have in my list. My transponders are set on 12152 H 22000 on all the satellites in my list. I live in sw corner of Missouri. Is there something I'm not doing right? Or do I need a stronger signal? Thanks for any help I can get.
KE4EST, thanks. I have a direct tv dish aswell. Would that do any better?
Sorry for slow response, my internet went down.
Can you take a digital picture of the whole assembly and attach it to a post? That way we can kind of see what you're seeing.KE4EST, to be honest I don't know which directv dish I have. There's no lettering on the dish.
This part of your explanation should have been left out as it isn't accurate. All modern DBS dishes require fairly careful skew adjustment as they have to line up multiple satellites.Since pay systems use circular polarization, it makes no difference for them. And their dishes aren't designed to be mounted with a skew; so there's that, too.
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