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Help & Guidance in getting DirecTV | SatelliteGuys.US

Help & Guidance in getting DirecTV

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Original poster
Jun 28, 2005
Hi to all. I have a few questions and some guidenece if any can be given.

I live in an association of apartments and condos and we all are offered free "basic" cable. The reason I say "cable" is because its not really cable that we are recieving, but satellite. Its from a company called Peoples Choice Cable that lets you view satellite tv without needing a converter box, you just plug the coxal (i think its called) plug into the back of the tv. Recently someone in the household contacted People's Choice in regards to getting service with DirectTV so we could get more stations. They said this is possible but in order for this to be done we would first HAVE to purchase the equipment from them. The first box is $100, 2nd is $50, 3rd is $25, and so on. There is no way for any type of promotions they have like the 4 rooms for free special that DirectTV has. Also if I want to get the Direct TiVo box that would be $150.00 instead of the $99.99 then $50.00 after rebate. If im not mistaken they said if you do bring your boxes, which someone else said you cant, you will still be charged the same price as if you were to buy the boxes. I think if you buy the boxes they dont charge you a activation fee but if you dont buy the boxes then they charge you activation fees which is the $50, $35, and $25. I am very confused by all of this it doesnt make sense to me. Can't I just bring my own box or call directv and get a access card and be all set? I hope I explained myself well and if there are any questions please respond. Thanks!
I have lived in complexes that have had Sat access for all apartments. They want to stop the dish look on every balcony. Problem is they can not by federal law stop you from putting up your own dish. What I did was get a tripod and place a dish on my balcony. It does not OVERHANG out of my area. That is the key thing. Make sure it is in your space. As long as you have a south facing spot you are good to go.
I am sure someone in this forum can give you the government web page for this law. I have been fighting Condo's and Apartment managers for 10 years over these things.
Just make sure to keep your dish in your Balcony.
Good Luck
Dallas, Tx
Welcome to Satelliteguys!! :welcome

First off the FCC law is right here:

Second, I would highly recommend Value Electronics to get your Directv equipment. They are high on customer service and they give Satelliteguys members a discount on just about everything they sell.
welcome :wave

When I lived in one apartment, they did the same thing. They had a Dish Network dish on the roof for people to get Dish (thus eliminating the dish farms)

One problem…it was a 4 foot dish for 119 only….so people put dishes up anyways :D

The FCC ruling protects you. Like Neutron said, try value Electronics
Our new apartment complex has a $100 satellite dish deposit but the landlady is going to try to waive it for me since I told her I wasn't mounting the dish to their premises.
Print the FCC law off and read it over. They really can't stop you from using a Dish, but they can stop you from drilling holes in their structure. I had D* in a VERY picky apt. complex in IL for a while and I did get permission from the Maint. supervisor to drill a hole in the wood facia next to the sliding door, but I had to use the good old pole and bucket mount for the dish itself. It worked great until the near-tornado level winds of the spring kept knocking it over. Then I just got a bigger bucket/w more cement to put on my patio! lol :)

Yep, the office loved me....LOL :)
Neutron said:
If I may ask, what did you decide on?

I decieded to just go ahead and go through Peoples Choice and get DirecTV. My patio doesnt face south, it faces north, so I had no other choice. :(
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