You can be in dual mode share and you can schedule TV1 or TV2 records. But that leads to other problems as well. But if you are in the standard dual mode it is exactly like having 1 single tuner satellite receiver (TV2) and 1 single tuner satellite receiver with an OTA receiver (TV1).
In dual mode:
- you can watch a recording from the library while recording something a satellite channel, OTA channel or BOTH.
- you can watch a Digital OTA channel while recording a satellite channel
- you can watch a satellite channel while recording a Digital OTA channel
- you can watch a recording from any point while its being recorded.
- you CANNOT watch one satellite channel while recording another.
- you can watch a recording from the library while recording something a satellite channel
- you can watch a recording from any point while its being recorded.
- you CANNOT watch one satellite channel while recording another.
TV1 and TV2 are independent receivers in one box.
You wouldn't want to have some one stop your recording in your personal receiver if it were a separate box so some one else can watch another program. That is why the 622 doesn't allow TV1 to stop TV2's recording. It is a SAFETY to prevent the kids from stopping Daddy's porn recording!

In Single mode
- You can watch one satellite channel while recording another satellite channel and/or OTA Digital channel
- You can watch an OTA digital channel while recording two satellite channels
- You can watch a recording while recording two satellite channels AND an OTA Digitnal channel
- You can watch a recoding from any point while its being recorded while also recording two other programs.
- You have full PIP functionality.
- You can use the "swap" button for dual buffers so you can watch two live programs, pause one for the commercials, swap to the other channel, until it goes into commercial, swap back and skip forward passed the commercials to the where the first program continues... I've watch sooooo many football games this way.
In single mode, you have one receiver that can feed the same channel to as many TVs as you want.
See ya