Roger SatelliteGuys Pro Original poster Sep 11, 2003 844 0 Dec 12, 2003 #1 Why am I only like getting 8 messages per page then I'm getting a 2nd page etc?
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,427 28,490 Newington, CT Dec 12, 2003 #2 You should be getting 10 messages a page (it was 15 messages a page) This is an effort to reduce bandwidth instead of sending out 15 messages you may have already rad now it only sends 10 saving bandwidth for the 5 that were not sent.
You should be getting 10 messages a page (it was 15 messages a page) This is an effort to reduce bandwidth instead of sending out 15 messages you may have already rad now it only sends 10 saving bandwidth for the 5 that were not sent.