If I understand you correctly , you were trying to get Cubavision from Intelsat 9 @ 58.0 west using a Standard Linear LNB.
That will not work .
My 1st experience with Hispasat happened after motorizing my dish , much later I setup a 2nd stationary dish just for Hispasat .
I have not been so lucky as to just pointing my dish and locking a signal in less than a minute , I know there are some members here who have done it that quick.
Like I pointed out before a TV monitor next to your dish will help you calibrate the dish , I will also add that I did use a cheap chirping analog dish meter and that it helped me when I was frustrated and losing hope.
I also know where I goofed up while pointing my dish my first time , I ignored the elevation scale and pointed my dish much higher because I didn't grasp the idea of the signal coming in at a lower angle due to the dish being offset.
Because Hispasat is at low easternly position and LOS (Line of sight) is sometimes compromised at xtremes, I suggest you try your true south satellite first.
Your True south Satellite is SBS 6 (now called Horizons 2)@ 74.0 west.
using a compass point your dish at 195.7
Dish Elevation is 37.6
Your dish skew will be at 0.04 (almost error proof if left at 0)
Try getting Ohio News Network
Frequency 11734
Polarity H
SR 6616
Once you get one satellite you will get a boost of confidence and see that your equipment is working properly.
Should you decide to keep trying for Hispasat @ 30.0 west.
Cubavision MUX
11884 V 27500
get your dish pointed in the correct direction , if you distrust your elevation scale and or direction of dish you do have some room to play with the dish just make sure you make all movements in small increments and wait several seconds between each adjustment while looking at the quality meter on your monitor .
If you're frustrated and swinging your dish UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT , I will tell you that your chances of locking a signal will be difficult , so keep your adjustments small , If your close to your target I bet you wont be off by more than 6 inches in any direction.
Most importantly be patient.
When I set up my second dish my Brother got impatient and went in the house , 30 minutes probably passed before he came back and asked how I was doing , by then I had locked on the signal and was just fine tuning .......
He was very surprised that I had found Hispasat ..... you have no Idea how patient I was and to that I owe my success.
Of Course when it's cold outside and the weather isn't cooperating my FTA skills are not the same .......
For one thing I look real funny squeezing out the window head first

onto the back porch roof.