Holiday Movies on PPV for 5¢ each, starting on December 21st

From Dish [
On Channel 556 from 12/21 to 12/25
Starting on December 21st, enjoy a special gift from DISH Network this holiday season:
5 classic Christmas movies avilable in PPV for only a nickel each!
December 21st - A Charlie Brown Christmas
December 22nd - A Christmas Story
December 23rd - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
December 24th - Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Note: not the animated version)
December 25th - Elf
I have most of these on DVD, but at five cents, not horrible...I hope this helps someone.
I also wanted to make sure for those to read before going PPV crazy thinking all titles are five cents. 

From Dish [
On Channel 556 from 12/21 to 12/25
Starting on December 21st, enjoy a special gift from DISH Network this holiday season:
5 classic Christmas movies avilable in PPV for only a nickel each!
December 21st - A Charlie Brown Christmas
December 22nd - A Christmas Story
December 23rd - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
December 24th - Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Note: not the animated version)
December 25th - Elf
I have most of these on DVD, but at five cents, not horrible...I hope this helps someone.

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