My H3 has been Updated to H371. I didn't get the H370 that others reported.
I manually updated to H371 on my H3 with no issues . Haven't done the H+ yet.Maybe try the manual update to H371.
Count your blessings.Huh. I'm still on H367 for some strange reason.
My guide goes out about eight days for my H3 and H+.Our H3 updated to 371 on the 27th. I'm not sure it is tied to the update but since then the guide never goes beyond about 36 hours. I've done daily manual guide updates with the same result. It's anyone else seeing this? I suspect the H3 is starting to fail (it is original from soon after they were released) but don't have any other issues other than most content these days is pretty worthless. Yesterday I did a partial test to factory details but that hasn't helped.
Have you tried a pull the plug reboot of the Hopper? If you haven’t simply pull the AC plug on the Hopper for about a minute and then plug it back in. The receiver will go through the full boot cycle and then show you programming. See if that corrects your guide issue. Report back if we need to go a bit further.Our H3 updated to 371 on the 27th. I'm not sure it is tied to the update but since then the guide never goes beyond about 36 hours. I've done daily manual guide updates with the same result. It's anyone else seeing this? I suspect the H3 is starting to fail (it is original from soon after they were released) but don't have any other issues other than most content these days is pretty worthless. Yesterday I did a partial test to factory details but that hasn't helped.
Thanks for the response. That was one of the first things I tried and it didn't help. I'll try it again and report back if it fixes the problem.Have you tried a pull the plug reboot of the Hopper? If you haven’t simply pull the AC plug on the Hopper for about a minute and then plug it back in. The receiver will go through the full boot cycle and then show you programming. See if that corrects your guide issue. Report back if we need to go a bit further.
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