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How are ScienceHD and NatGeoHD? | SatelliteGuys.US

How are ScienceHD and NatGeoHD?


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Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 29, 2007
NE Ohio
I'm considering dropping down to HD Essentials and moving from AT200 to AT250. I know I'll like the movie channels with 250, but how is the programming on the HD channels that are exclusive to 250?

*sorry to keep posting new threads*
I'm considering dropping down to HD Essentials and moving from AT200 to AT250. I know I'll like the movie channels with 250, but how is the programming on the HD channels that are exclusive to 250?

*sorry to keep posting new threads*

Did the same thing. Same cost and much better programing. picked up some SD channels that I am happy with also. Dont miss Voom or HDNM at all. You wont regret it.
Ask about DVR advantage instead of just upping to 250. You'll save a couple of dollars that way. :)

I went from regular 250 + HD to DVR advantage 200 (+250 as a premium) along with the essentials HD. Best bang for the buck imo.
What a great Idea, I can't believe I didn't think of that before....I love this forum!!!

I also took the time to take care of that useless, pesky, DHPP charge.
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Anything I watch on Science HD is in HD. I love that channel. Admittedly I usually watch Really Big Things, Master Blasters, How It's Made, How Do They Do It, and Build It Bigger.

Anything I've watched on Nat Geo is in HD, but I only go over there when I happen to notice somethings on. I've seen some really good shows about the Tenerife disaster, and about the construction of the Airbus A380. I just never think to go over there.

Needless to say, Science HD makes my HD plan worth it in and of itself. It was the first channel I started watching when I upgraded to my 722. They had a How It's Made marathon on..
when did science hd and national geographic hd come out on dish network? are these new? i'm kinda down about this. i have the 100 package, and also dish ultimate. why would they attach these to the 250 package and not dish ultimate? you would think with dish ultimate i'd have more of what i want, more hd channels. i'm glad for everyone who has it, i just assumed then when more hd channels came online they would be more across the board, and especially if you are in a package called dish ultimate. any thoughts? i've had dish for about 6 months.
wow, i never realized that. thanks for letting me know. i do hope they add new national hd channels for everyone soon though. it's been pretty light in new hd since i have been on board. not to say its bad, but defintely light in comparison to directv and a few others as of late. overall i love dish. i hope these new birds they are sending up this year transalte into a lot more national hd, like their 100 hd channel pledge makes it sound.
More sat capacity will help. DirecTV was behind for several years and finally catched up due to satellite capacity additions. Both sat carriers are ahead of most cable companies when it comes to HD.

It's a harder situation for sat carriers when you have to get locals up there for every market as well as national stuff. I do think it'll be a good year for Dish Network.

Hopefully we'll see a great launch here on the evening of the 14th.
I love Science HD; one of my favorites. Very little that I watch is not in HD. I don't watch NatGeo as much, but I like it too. Both high on my HD list.

I'm about to go HD, advice re: Dishnet upgrade?

Vooms Sues Dish Network

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