had my 211 upgraded to a 622 today, i had requested a 722 but was told it was out of stock. are there any major differences in the 622 vs the 722?
Bigger HDD and better chipset. I would not accept a ViP622 today.
With the ability to add an External Hard Drive (EHD) I don't think the difference will even be noticeable. We have a 622 and a 722k. Were the 622 to need replacement we'd be happy with either a 622, a 722, or a 722k.i had to,all he had he said
Teehar said:622 is a nice receiver,however they no longer manufacture them.So that means all you can get is a refurbished unit.We have had a string of not so good 622's over last year or so.
If you have any interest in the Sling Adapter, try to take them up on that.
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