Right now HD is a premium. When will it be standard and we no longer have to pay a fee for it. 9.95 for 5 channel and 5.00 for Vooms 10.
CCMoor said:Right now HD is a premium. When will it be standard and we no longer have to pay a fee for it. 9.95 for 5 channel and 5.00 for Vooms 10.
In my opinion never.... They may come up with a new "package" that includes HD but they'll hide the cost for it in there somewhere. I have no idea how many HD subscribers Dish currently has but at $15/month for the HD and Voom packs they're just not going to give away Millions in revenue. I don't see that happening.CCMoor said:When will it be standard and we no longer have to pay a fee for it
Do you really think that businesses should give things away Free because people can't afford it? Get Real.CCMoor said:How are People to pay for everything if they dont make anything now a days?
GaryPen said:The truth will ie in the middle. There will probably always be a fee until all programming is HD. However, they will undoubtadly add more and more channels to it. At some point quite soon, you'll probably see 20-30 channels for $10.
OK, Gary, you got me on that one, I now have OTA envy.GaryPen said:You measure the number of OTA stations in your area with only a single digit? How cute. 18 OTA, Yeah Baby!
HD is not a standard. Digital programming is. HD is a bonus and one that we will have to pay for a good long while.CCMoor said:I think if HD is going to be a standard you should not have to pay a premium price for it. Same for DVR. I dont pay a fee for VCR Standard. I remember when Cell Phone Text messaging was free now they charge you for that... How are People to pay for everything if they dont make anything now a days?
It will become the de facto standard sooner than "a good long while".Kevinw said:HD is not a standard. Digital programming is. HD is a bonus and one that we will have to pay for a good long while.
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