How many of us voom subscribers are going to wait until the final day of Voom's death and complete blackness from our TV's. To ponder the thought of going to a different service. OR have you already made plans on other providers....
phatbastard said:How many of us voom subscribers are going to wait until the final day of Voom's death and complete blackness from our TV's. To ponder the thought of going to a different service. OR have you already made plans on other providers....
truqui said:I'm currently going through the research process but plan on waiting to see what gives with the equipment. My decision will be different depending on wheter we'll be able to keep and use the OTA...
Answer: Neither one is going to give you HD locals. D*'s LIL satellite hasn't launched yet, and E* hasn't announced any plans yet.Kentstater72 said:...I have not been able to get a straight answer to which one can provide me with HD locals for both Detroit and Toledo, and be an integrated part of their DVR (842 or 10-250).
I have scheduled Adelphia cable installation for next week. But I will keep VOOM as well until it goes dark!phatbastard said:How many of us voom subscribers are going to wait until the final day of Voom's death and complete blackness from our TV's. To ponder the thought of going to a different service. OR have you already made plans on other providers....
I'm cutting over to Comcast on the 23rd. I will be able to move a cable over to Voom and leave one set on it just to see what happens.phatbastard said:How many of us voom subscribers are going to wait until the final day of Voom's death and complete blackness from our TV's. To ponder the thought of going to a different service. OR have you already made plans on other providers....
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