I am currently a DirecTV customer and I am considering moving to Dish. What I cannot find is how many TV's can the system support. I currently have 15 TV;s in my house. Does anyone know the limit on TV's?
Yes this is residential, thanks for the response...very helpful.Limit is 15. You would have 2 Hopper3 DVR's, for a total of 32 tuners. Each providing service to 6 Joey's. That gets you to 14 receivers, the 15th would have to be a DVR-less model (unless they let Hopper's pair to 7+ Joey's now)
If you are approved to be a postpaid customer, and have a credit score decent enough, you should be able to lease receivers 1-6 for free or close to nothing, every other receiver would have to be purchased (and installed for free of course).
PS: This is for residential, I presume?
I am currently a DirecTV customer and I am considering moving to Dish. What I cannot find is how many TV's can the system support. I currently have 15 TV;s in my house. Does anyone know the limit on TV's?
OK Joe now you have me curious. My main issue with DirecTV is that after being a 20yr customer and paying for the biggest package, the customer service is horrible. I had a receiver go bad...they sent me the wrong one to replace it 4 times in a row...when I finally got the correct one it was a refurbished unit from 2011. Am I facing the same situation with Dish? Is it better for look at Xfinity?$105/month in device fees alone, that are 100% profit. Dish better be tripping over themselves getting this guy as a customer, and AT&T is stupid for letting them go.
Well not like THAT. I heard stories from DTV customers who told me that they had a box go bad and DTV tried to charge them hundreds of dollars to upgrade without a replacement for the receiver they had.OK Joe now you have me curious. My main issue with DirecTV is that after being a 20yr customer and paying for the biggest package, the customer service is horrible. I had a receiver go bad...they sent me the wrong one to replace it 4 times in a row...when I finally got the correct one it was a refurbished unit from 2011. Am I facing the same situation with Dish? Is it better for look at Xfinity?
I just switched from DirecTV to Dish and my Hopper 3 and 3 Joeys all show as being refurbs on the boxes they came in, even with a new customer.OK Joe now you have me curious. My main issue with DirecTV is that after being a 20yr customer and paying for the biggest package, the customer service is horrible. I had a receiver go bad...they sent me the wrong one to replace it 4 times in a row...when I finally got the correct one it was a refurbished unit from 2011. Am I facing the same situation with Dish? Is it better for look at Xfinity?
What about non H3 receivers, say 8 tv's with a combination of H2, Joeys & Wallys?Limit is 15. You would have 2 Hopper3 DVR's, for a total of 32 tuners. Each providing service to 6 Joey's. That gets you to 14 receivers, the 15th would have to be a DVR-less model (unless they let Hopper's pair to 7+ Joey's now)
If you are approved to be a postpaid customer, and have a credit score decent enough, you should be able to lease receivers 1-6 for free or close to nothing, every other receiver would have to be purchased (and installed for free of course).
PS: This is for residential, I presume?
If its still allowed to do multiple H2/H1 setups (with the H3 existing, there isn't really a need but I don't know if its a rule or recommendation) the max is (2) H2, (6) Joeys and (2) Wally's/211's for outdoor usage like any other account. So, for 8 tv's, if a H3 is not an option I would do (2) H2's, (4) Joey's and (2) Wally's. If all tv's will not be used at the same time, you can do the max of 6 Joey's instead of Wally's, but you may run out of tuners depending on your usage (6 total for both H2's) as no super Joeys are allowed on multi-hopper setups iirc. You can also do H2 + SJ + (3) Joey's and add (2) Wally's and get to 7, but if you need specifically 8-10 receivers you are looking at multiple H2's.What about non H3 receivers, say 8 tv's with a combination of H2, Joeys & Wallys?
What about Hopper Duo & H2 on the same account?If its still allowed to do multiple H2/H1 setups (with the H3 existing, there isn't really a need but I don't know if its a rule or recommendation) the max is (2) H2, (6) Joeys and (2) Wally's/211's for outdoor usage like any other account. So, for 8 tv's, if a H3 is not an option I would do (2) H2's, (4) Joey's and (2) Wally's. If all tv's will not be used at the same time, you can do the max of 6 Joey's instead of Wally's, but you may run out of tuners depending on your usage (6 total for both H2's) as no super Joeys are allowed on multi-hopper setups iirc. You can also do H2 + SJ + (3) Joey's and add (2) Wally's and get to 7, but if you need specifically 8-10 receivers you are looking at multiple H2's.
Edit= Up to 15 Wally's is also possible if that is all that's on the account, good luck getting that many from Dish though.
That, I have no idea. Might want to contact Dish about it.What about Hopper Duo & H2 on the same account?
When I inquired about it I was told about residential, I would expect that for outdoors it to be different or they just don't care about the rules since all receivers are purchased anyway (and with the rule to not have anything besides Wally/211's on a outdoor account never being enforced I wouldn't be surprised if its the latter anyhow)I have 3 H2's a 222k a wally and a 211k on my Dish Outdoors account..So you can have 3 h2's
Wasn't it that even 2 receivers without a phone line would bring you unwanted attention? Nowadays I don't think they care, as long as you aren't trying to open a hotel or somethingOnce upon a time it 4 independent tvs...anymore than that would be account stacking...I have no idea what the current limit is
Dish is no longer creating work orders for Wallys. They'd have to be purchasedIf its still allowed to do multiple H2/H1 setups (with the H3 existing, there isn't really a need but I don't know if its a rule or recommendation) the max is (2) H2, (6) Joeys and (2) Wally's/211's for outdoor usage like any other account. So, for 8 tv's, if a H3 is not an option I would do (2) H2's, (4) Joey's and (2) Wally's. If all tv's will not be used at the same time, you can do the max of 6 Joey's instead of Wally's, but you may run out of tuners depending on your usage (6 total for both H2's) as no super Joeys are allowed on multi-hopper setups iirc. You can also do H2 + SJ + (3) Joey's and add (2) Wally's and get to 7, but if you need specifically 8-10 receivers you are looking at multiple H2's.
Edit= Up to 15 Wally's is also possible if that is all that's on the account, good luck getting that many from Dish though.
I have 3 H2's a 222k a wally and a 211k on my Dish Outdoors account..So you can have 3 h2's
Wait, like any at all? I heard they were limiting the amount you can do due to silicon shortage, didn't know they stopped completelyDish is no longer creating work orders for Wallys. They'd have to be purchased
Yep, single tuner, non-DVR's have all gone back to 211'sWait, like any at all? I heard they were limiting the amount you can do due to silicon shortage, didn't know they stopped completely
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