I've searched for the force procedure, but can't find it on here. My 625 is still at L298, and I turn my tuner off every night. Don't understand why it hasn't moved up to the newest software....
Thanks for the information but it didn't do anything for me.RandallA said:What happens if you run check switch and then let it sit for 15 minutes? Have you guys tried that?
RandallA said:Take look at this post by Van and try it :
Neutron said:Mine has it.
According to my diag screen the last dial out was on Sept 18th.
pv4022 said:To make it take a download you need to go to the signal strength screen put it on sat 19 transponder 19 turn tv2 remote off 1st the turn tv 1 remote off let the box go for about 5mins it should take the download then.
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