I currently have an HRDVR 20/700 how much difference is there in this and the newer hr 21,22 or 23. Is it worth upgrading? Also if I were to upgrade, DTV cannot tell me what model I will get, what are the chances of getting another hr 20?
To clarify; the HR21 has the same size drive as the HR20 (300 GB give or take 20 GBs). The HR22 and HR23 have 500 GB drives.
If you have an HR20-700, my recommendation would be to stick with what you have. They are generally thought to be the fastest of the current range of DVRs. If you want more space, buy an eSATA drive.
the next generation HD DVR expected later this year is also expected to have faster processors and a much larger disk drive so may be worth getting.
The HR20 has a different processor and is a bit faster. Except for a few HR20-100s, they are silver, whereas the 21, 22 and 23s are black. The HR20-100 uses an external antenna for the RF remote, while the others have this antenna built-in. Some HR20s have a 300 GB drive; others have 320, as do the HR21s.
If you have an HR20-700, my recommendation would be to stick with what you have. They are generally thought to be the fastest of the current range of DVRs. If you want more space, buy an eSATA drive.
the next generation HD DVR expected later this year is also expected to have faster processors and a much larger disk drive so may be worth getting.
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