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HR20 Feature Request | SatelliteGuys.US

HR20 Feature Request

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
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I was at my moms house and she has the standard hd reciver with out the dvr, cant remember what model exactly. But I set up the OTA antenna on her reciver for local HD and weather plus sub channels, ect. With that reciver you can scan in locals instead of having them pre selected by directv. Why doesnt directv incorperate this into future builds of the HR20 sofware. I like having this ability vs the way it is now. It makes more sence and is user friendly. So Please add this!..
Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I think the OTA scanning process was exactly the same on my HR20 as it was on my old HD receiver (forget the model number - H10 maybe?).

Maybe I'm misunderstanding...
The HR20 (both the -100 and -700 models) have built in OTA tuners. Neither of them can scan for OTA channels though (even though it says they can in the manuals). Instead, D* keeps some master OTA database and when you enter your ZIP into the HR20, you get the OTA channels D* has on record for your ZIP. Crazy I know. I don't know why they do this as all their other HD receivers can scan for channels. And don't even get me started on how to get an OTA channel added to their database (though I've successfully done it twice).

The newer HR21 does not have a built in OTA tuner, but at CES, D* introduced a separate OTA tuner that connects via USB to the HR21 for those who want OTA capability. It's supposed to be released in March sometime for reportedly around $59. Not sure if it will be able to scan for OTA or the database method will be used on it.
D* didnt think there was a need for it.. It wasnt untill they heard the outcry from us as there are still alot of users that do use it. Thats why they created the separate tuner for us. If you swich there will allways be an option for an OTA tuner. :)
What does the 21 do that the 20 wont?
The HR21 doesn't do anything that the HR20 won't. Yes probably a few under the hood differences, but basically they are the same except for the HR21 lack of built in OTA tuners. And I think the HR21 has a bigger hard drive.

Also, if I siwtched, do I have a choice? An OTA tuner is pretty important to me.
Actually, the HR20-700 has ceased production, and the HR20-100 is soon to follow - probably once the HR21's external OTA tuner is shipping. New subs are reporting that they are still getting HR20s, but most are now getting HR21. Those HR21 owners who need OTA just have to wait for the external tuner.

D* does have some HR20s left, but are keeping them so they can replace defective HR20s with the same model.
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