JAG72 suggested we start a thread for facts, features, tips and facts for the HR20. So here it is. We have the reviews section but lets use this thread for more detailed information. I will put down an undocumented tid bit. For reviews on the HR20, use the TAB at the top of page titled "NEW! Reviews"
There are some hidden features in the HR20. It has varied over the past year but is mainly used by Living on the Edge downloaders as backdoors or tested features. Here is how to activate.
1. Menu - Search - Keyword - type exactly IAMANEDGECUTTER - ALL
2. When the search is done, exit out. You only need to do this once to activate the back door.
3. To view on screen hit on the front unit panel at the same time MENU/INFO
4. Depending on the version of software or hardware version of you unit, you should have some options not available in the regular Setup area. My HR20-100 has Playlist Sort and FFW Correction. The Playlist Sort is basicly how you want to sort your recorded shows. And FFW Correction is the jump back feature after fast forwarding through a recorded show similar to how Tivos work. Make sure to hit OK and DONE in this section after changing an option.
More undocumented tips and tricks are found here: Undocumented HR20 Tips & Tricks - DBSTalk.Com
No reason for us not to start our own list however.
There are some hidden features in the HR20. It has varied over the past year but is mainly used by Living on the Edge downloaders as backdoors or tested features. Here is how to activate.
1. Menu - Search - Keyword - type exactly IAMANEDGECUTTER - ALL
2. When the search is done, exit out. You only need to do this once to activate the back door.
3. To view on screen hit on the front unit panel at the same time MENU/INFO
4. Depending on the version of software or hardware version of you unit, you should have some options not available in the regular Setup area. My HR20-100 has Playlist Sort and FFW Correction. The Playlist Sort is basicly how you want to sort your recorded shows. And FFW Correction is the jump back feature after fast forwarding through a recorded show similar to how Tivos work. Make sure to hit OK and DONE in this section after changing an option.
More undocumented tips and tricks are found here: Undocumented HR20 Tips & Tricks - DBSTalk.Com
No reason for us not to start our own list however.