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HTL HD Default Ratio | SatelliteGuys.US

HTL HD Default Ratio

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 28, 2004
Tempe, AZ
With the new 4:3 HD monitor, it is quite annoying every time i tune into channels like ESPN HD, Discovery HD, and any other HD channel for that matter, as all of the 16:9 images are squeezed onto the 4:3 monitor.

Is it possible to set a default ratio on the CHANNEL LEVEL on the HTL HD?

I would want it done on the channel level so i can set ESPN HD and such to Expand while keeping regular channels (CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, whatever) in "Standard" mode to avoid stretching.

The TV can be set for letterbox, cutting off a few inches on the top and bottom. It is only a 36" set (the biggest one that would fit in this piece of furniture) so lossing the top and bottom for letterbox on everything does not make sense.

Another gripe with the HTL HD is the lack of program name upon tuning to the channel. Maybe this can be set, but I do not know why it is not the default. Program name upon selection of channels in the surf menu would be nice too.
ckudrna said:
With the new 4:3 HD monitor, it is quite annoying every time i tune into channels like ESPN HD, Discovery HD, and any other HD channel for that matter, as all of the 16:9 images are squeezed onto the 4:3 monitor.

Is it possible to set a default ratio on the CHANNEL LEVEL on the HTL HD?

I would want it done on the channel level so i can set ESPN HD and such to Expand while keeping regular channels (CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, whatever) in "Standard" mode to avoid stretching.

The TV can be set for letterbox, cutting off a few inches on the top and bottom. It is only a 36" set (the biggest one that would fit in this piece of furniture) so lossing the top and bottom for letterbox on everything does not make sense.

Another gripe with the HTL HD is the lack of program name upon tuning to the channel. Maybe this can be set, but I do not know why it is not the default. Program name upon selection of channels in the surf menu would be nice too.
Yes it is ... :D
I do not need or want any response you have. I do not think I have ever seen a post from you that has any worthwhile information in it.

If you are capable of providing a worthwhile combination of words go ahead and do it. Making a bunch of senseless posts to demonstrate your sweet urban vocabulary like
is not contributing to the forum but is detracting from the questions posed.

Now this thread has 5 posts and not a single stab at the original question has been made.
You are right. I should have used the proper non-urban version of frigging which I am sure you would have clearly understood to mean that you are a "jack-off."

Since your arrival here I have answered more than 6 of YOUR dumb questions about the HTL-HD, which apparently you own in triplicate and were unable to read any of 3 users guides provided.

As for the post ... yes, it was in fact worthless, as was the question because everyone already knows you can which is why you received no replies.

So in good sport lets shoot for 7

No you cannot set this at the channel level, have you EVER seen a receiver where you do do this? (chodboy answers no) So why would you think you can do it on this one? Aspect ration is set under preferences and it is what you get ya got. Or is that to urban for your dumb-ass to understand?
No you cannot dumbass ... have you ever heard of this ability in ANY recever? No ... I deleted my posts you shoud do the same.
"Correct me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers they'll lock me up and throw away the key." -Carl Spackler

I can smell the maturity.
Hey Richard, or do you prefer Dick, the answer is still no ...

You can only set your aspect ratio on the receiver. Did you see in the users guide where it said you can do this? This would be my first guess as to why you cannot, since there is no mention of this as a feature on ANY receiver. If you want HD content without bars I would suggest an HDTV.
Wow! I guess I missed the interesting parts. Darn! :)

I think you can set the HTL-HD to 4:3 can't you?
yes you can under prefs ... it is the 1st item ... he wants this customized by CHANNEL, which you cannot do. You did miss the good parts, the best part would be to close this worthless thred in leiu of inability to RTFM by ckudrna. I am just tried of answering his dumb questions, it gets old.
It is a perfectly valid question, lots of folks use 4:3 tvs with this box. I am one of them. Not all channels are in 4:3. Because you do not know the answer means nothing to me, this is why you should have not chimed in to begin with, you just do NOT KNOW THE ANSWER.

How would the best part be to "close the thread". That does not seem like it would qualify for a "best part" Actually that sounds kind of stupid.

You have no business even speaking in this thread as you obviously have no idea how to do this, have no understanding of any programming language to modify the unit to set this, and certainly have little knowledge think outside the box.

It does not tell you how to hack a Pansat 2500 in the manual does it? Wow, you would think it should, since thousands of hacked pansats are around and in use. "But slacker told me that if it is not in the manual it is not possible"

According to "slacker9876" if it is not in the manual it is totally impossible. By far the best attitude towards thinking out of the box i have ever heard. I wonder if they included a little section for the colonists who came to American from Britain to instruct them how to revolt against Britain and start their own democracy. Surely it had to have been in the "manual" if they did it, right??

Since you do not know the answer, and you know nothing about what I am talking about, why don't you go ahead and stop talking, and stop sending me PMs about how you do not know how to do it because it is not "in the manual". Lots of things are possible if you have any knowledge of what you are doing. Since you do not, you have no reason to even speak here anymore. Many other people here are very knowledgeable with these things, you just happen to not be one of them.

Well it can be done by modifying the software, that I know, and probably a ton of other people here know that as well. Is the software for this box available through Hughes or will they (most likely) not give it out?

Channel is not as important as input format. Converting any non 4:3 signal to 4:3 would be perfect. I can certainly see this being upgraded in the future.

I am just tried of answering his dumb questions, it gets old.

More the reason to stay out of this thread pal. You never really gave an answer for anything, you did not know how to do it, and certainly had no concept of even how it would be possible to change it over. It gets old on here having to read posts from you who have no knowledge about the question.

Stop cluttering up the board with your genuine Colorado idiocy.

I just saw this

If you want HD content without bars I would suggest an HDTV.

So according to the genius Slacker, the only HDTVs are those that are in 16:9?!!!!

HA HA HA HA HA. I am laughing my ass off at how stupid you are.

Wow, it appears that this 4:3 in front of me is HDTV..........Oh yeah, they make tons of them.

Why don't you go to BB or CC and look at al lthe 4:3 HD sets, oh I forgot, slacker read in a manual someplace that they do not make them..................


I want to quote this idiot again

If you want HD content without bars I would suggest an HDTV.

16:9 format on a 4:3 does not create any bars, it shrinks the 16:9 signal to fit on the 4:3. The only way to get any bars is to shrink it more.

You really have proved that you have no idea what you are talking about slacker.
Some good points .. I guess it didn't tell me how to get an install Tivo's v4 software and access my tivo via telnet etc.

But, you're still an idiot. This is not a hacking question, it is a user interface question.

So, in order to properly answer (you god damn control freak) no it is not frigging possible on an unmodified unit.

FYI: this does not change your stupid question ratio of 183:1 ... and no the stupid question ratio is not affected by your aspect ratio of 4:3, which makes much more sense!

Who said anything about leaving it "unmodified". Now you are saying that it can possibly be done with modification?? Wow, a minute ago you said it was not possible at all and it was a "stupid question". You seem to be chaning your mind here about things you said in previous posts.

The hacking a pansat was proof that things that are not in the manual happen. This is not the manual, but it most likely can be done. See that little analogy or do you not understand those complex brain functions??

So now you admit that it may be possible, but you do not know how do it, but i am the person who asked the stupid question? I bet thousands of people have a 4:3 HDTV (yes, they do exist) with a HTL HD. Those people, when tuning to a HD channel, will get the whole screen shrunk, rather than viewing it in expand which will give it a 4:3 ratio cutting out the sides. Thousands of people have to hit the ratio button when they switch to a HD broadcast in order for it to look like it should, but this is still a "stupid question"??

I want it to happen, as do hundreds of others people, but you think it is a "stupid question".

The stupid thing here is you not knowing that 4:3 HD sets exist as well as saying that because you do not know how to do this, it cannot be done.

I would be curious as to how you access your tivo via telnet? What port are you using to communicate with the tivo? The standard telnet port? Are you communicating through a serial cable or dialing in? I would think serial cable with a local IP (

I will be waiting for an explanation for why having this on the box is stupid? Why making it that much easier for everyone that uses these boxes with a 4:3 is stupid, only you can tell me.
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