It may have stretched the metal. But why not try hitting it back into shape -- nothing to lose.
If it doesn't work, maybe your homeowners insurance would cover it? But the deductible would be a problem unless your house sustained other damage.
We are not at home, but heading that way (traveling in RV). I don't know if my dish made it or not yet. The RV resort we live in (in cottage) sustained a lot of damage. The eye came directly over us. There were several RV's that got flipped and a lot of trees were destroyed. Per our neighbors our house came through it OK, but they did not look at the dish. It is bolted to the side of the house. The power has been off since Tuesday night. The Co-op we get power from has 95% of their meters without power. As we are coming home I am buying bottled water to bring back with us.
Yeah, I'll try knocking it back. Im pissed because i had ordered 2 new ones and kept them in the box for a while while trying to move to the new place but there are still paper work problems. I took this out to catch a feed, used it that once with intention to move it soon and then the ladder falls on it. I should just order a 1.2 now.
Nah no other issues. It was just a relentless wind for damn near 24 hours. Flooding was the most people near the coast. Im on a bluff so no problems like that. My banana trees took a beating but they'll grow back. No power the worst of it here.
We got power back about 2 hours ago. Are you still without power?
Yes still without here. My office just got it restored but the fiber is still down. At a friends house with power and internet so I'm good right now.
What power company are you on? Hopefully you will get power soon. Also did you get the dent out of your dish?
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