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I don't understand why so many people rag on Voom | SatelliteGuys.US

I don't understand why so many people rag on Voom


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 3, 2004
I am tired of seeing posts about pissed off customers ragging on VOOM!

I guess you forget this is a relatively new company that is still working out some bugs...I'm sure Dishnet and DirecTV made everything perfect their first time out, c'mon. People complain about the cost and PQ. Look up dishnets cost for the "everything" package, $80/month for NON HD movie channels and 180(mostly crap) channels, all of which are overcompressed and make you feel like you are watching TV underwater, for an extra $10/mo you get a whopping 5 HD channels...that after you PURCHASE the receiver. Voom offers most of the SD channels that people actually watch that look Much better than competitors along with the biggest HD lineup available, Plus the same movie channels including HD for the same price! Ripoff, I think not.

The best part is that it can only get better! New software, upgraded dish and the launch of a new satellite. I will agree that not everything is running as smoothly as it could but in time everything will be perfect. I would much rather put my money to good use by helping out a new company that is keeping up with technology than an established company. The big boys have already made all their money, their CEOs could give a rip about their customers. Voom has to keep their customers happy because the company is in our hands.

I am willing to stick with Voom as long as they keep their promises. Right now they are testing our patience waiting on the new software but I don't mind waiting as long as they get it right. Would it make everybody happy if they released half finished software just so everyone could sleep at night because it says V. 6.0 on their system status...Hell No! Give them time and I am sure we will all be happy.


P.S. I also can't wait till they can afford better Voom Guide people, that girl is dog ugly and the Carrot Top clone with out his shirt on could make Ray Charles finch :D
If they keep overcharging credit cards by >$1000 they should be able to afford them pretty darn soon.
You also got to remember that most people that post are the pissed off people. The people who have no problems are enjoying Voom not posting on here.

I just got mine installed yesterday and had to reboot one of my sets 3 times, but guess what that how it goes for new systems. Anyone that has been buying the new stuff (bleeding edge) over the years tend to be a little more relaxed about small issues. Now if I got charged 1000 then I would be a little upset, but as long as voom fixed the problem then I would be OK.
I personally am not pissed off, some ARE pissed off, but they've had Voom longer, although if no one says anything about the issues they see in PQ would Voom do anything about it?
Dvlos said:
I personally am not pissed off, some ARE pissed off, but they've had Voom longer, although if no one says anything about the issues they see in PQ would Voom do anything about it?

I agree. Being critical let's VOOM know where we stand. When I was in business, I would listen more to the people who expressed problems because they at least said what others may be thinking and to shy to say. I would prefer to know the issues and have a healthy debate. That is what this forum is so great at. I never would want to stop expression no matter how critical or how much VOOM is praised. I have done both. I too want the company to succeed. However, without giving trade secretes away to the competitors, they could be a little more communicative about issues that are on already in public, like software update, When new dishes will be installed to bet both satellites. Will it be before Oct or later after they internally test? When will MPEG4 and WM9 be implemented and will that need a new module?

Will that answer the issues on PQ that keep coming up?

Healthy debate is to help VOOM. Vicious attacks no and I think it is up to the administrator and monitors to control that.
I'm a Happy camper...have Voom for 3 full months now. Install went perfect,rebooted only twice,no billing problems,and get all my locals.
Yes,I am waiting for the upgrade also. So if it takes two more weeks...I'll wait. ;)
VOOM is not that new anymore. I have had it for over 7 months so I am about 30% done with my two year warranty on the box purchase. When I sat down to watch a movie at 8:00 PM last night my box locked up almost immediately. A front button reset got the picture back but the guide didn't show up for another 10 minutes which made it impossible to tell what was on and causing us to miss the beginning of the movie. Is this supposed to be acceptable?

VOOM came into the marketplace with promises of 39 HD channels and a price ($800.00) that led people to believe that they could deliver. They made the same people who paid $800 for their boxes pay for their own upgraded antennas if they wanted all their available OTA and they continually lied about their own policies and procedures. If a company is "new" is it allowed to lie and misrepresent itself?

The failure of the box to receive all available OTA stations due to VOOM's "mapping" system is a clear violation of the FCC regulations regarding set top receivers. Should a "new" company be allowed to break the law as well?

I have put a lot of time and money into my VOOM system and I am sticking it out for two years but I certainly would warn others about getting involved with such a company.

I'm not sure if the mapping problems is a FCC violation or notbut if Voom could just clap their hands and go "Hey! Here's OTA MAPPING!" I'm sure they would man.

How can they lie about the HD channels I don't know but dont they have close to 40 HD channels. Initially they asked new subs to buy their own equipment, how is that a lie? Although now you're a charter member. Yeah it kind of sucks but that's what ALWAYS happens when you jump onto a new product, service or technology first. You are like a guinea pig tester. As far as how Voom is NOW, I think is night and day to how they must have started.
I am tired of seeing posts about pissed off customers ragging on VOOM!

I guess you forget this is a relatively new company that is still working out some bugs...I'm sure Dishnet and DirecTV made everything perfect their first time out, c'mon. People complain about the cost and PQ. Look up dishnets cost for the "everything" package, $80/month for NON HD movie channels and 180(mostly crap) channels, all of which are overcompressed and make you feel like you are watching TV underwater, for an extra $10/mo you get a whopping 5 HD channels...that after you PURCHASE the receiver. Voom offers most of the SD channels that people actually watch that look Much better than competitors along with the biggest HD lineup available, Plus the same movie channels including HD for the same price! Ripoff, I think not.

The best part is that it can only get better! New software, upgraded dish and the launch of a new satellite. I will agree that not everything is running as smoothly as it could but in time everything will be perfect. I would much rather put my money to good use by helping out a new company that is keeping up with technology than an established company. The big boys have already made all their money, their CEOs could give a rip about their customers. Voom has to keep their customers happy because the company is in our hands.

I am willing to stick with Voom as long as they keep their promises. Right now they are testing our patience waiting on the new software but I don't mind waiting as long as they get it right. Would it make everybody happy if they released half finished software just so everyone could sleep at night because it says V. 6.0 on their system status...Hell No! Give them time and I am sure we will all be happy.


P.S. I also can't wait till they can afford better Voom Guide people, that girl is dog ugly and the Carrot Top clone with out his shirt on could make Ray Charles finch :D
You said you would stick to with VOOM as long as they keep their promises. I personally like VOOM, but they don't keep their promises. They were supposed to have 39 HD channels by 2/1, then 2/28 then 4/30 then 6/1. Now they don't even mention 39 HD channels they just say over 35. They promised inhd1 and inhd2 in their brochures. So a lot of people like me who have had VOOM from the very begining and believed their "promises" and invested $1400 in receivers have a right to rag. It is in VOOMs best interest to give constructive critism which you call ragging. We've been lied to, no if's and's or but's. It took 9 months of service to finally get it stable. VOOM is not a new company anymore so they can't use that excuse. As for programming, the are "always in negotiations" for more channels. How long are they going to be in negotiations to get the 39HD channels they originally promised.

That's why so many people "rag" on VOOM.
I respectfully disagree that I should have expected the problems that I got. Satellite TV has been around for many years. Satellite HD channels have also been available for a year or two. OTA HD channels have also been available for over 5 years. OTA television antennas have been available for over 50 years. Why would I expect that for a premium price of $800+ VOOM would not be able to integrate these functions. They are not doing anything new they are merely combining existing proven technologies. INHD1 and INHD2 were important in my decision to choose VOOM and they are still not available. They could make OTA mapping tolerable if they allowed you to call up and ask that a certain channel be added to your map. This is possible and at one time they let customers do this. Since the new software is coming out in two weeks (for months now) they have won't bother anymore.
I suggest Rollzroyce go elsewhere then, cause if you come here you will see pissed off Voom people and for good reason
I agree some people have the right to "rag", like the credit card thing that would put me over the edge too. The problem is that I rarely see people talking about what they have done right. All we hear about is problems, if I were looking into getting Voom now I would probably decide against it just because of a few people who are bitching about their problems. If you are thinking about getting Voom, GO FOR IT! You have nothing to lose, if you don't like it, cancel. I don't know how some of you can form an opinion about Voom and call to cancel in less than a month. You would think if you had the patience to get the thing installed you would wait to see how you like it instead of ranting and raving because you had to reboot a couple times.
I'm sure Dishnet and DirecTV made everything perfect their first time out, c'mon. People complain about the cost and PQ.

and i couldnt have answered it better.

jnardone said:
I respectfully disagree that I should have expected the problems that I got. Satellite TV has been around for many years. Satellite HD channels have also been available for a year or two. OTA HD channels have also been available for over 5 years. OTA television antennas have been available for over 50 years. Why would I expect that for a premium price of $800+ VOOM would not be able to integrate these functions. They are not doing anything new they are merely combining existing proven technologies.

so when dish and directv started it was ok. wheneva you try to reinvent the wheel u better do it right. its like me tryin to start a operating system company which looks like windows 3.1
I am perfectly happy with Voom.

Other than this credit card thing, which I haven't been burned with (yet!), the only real shaky part about getting Voom is the install. You just take your chances and hope that somebody else gets the loser and you get the solid pro. Mine was good.

But everything else - the box, software upgrades, PQ - are not a problem for me. I enjoy Voom and look forward to the changes ahead.
Obviously, some people are more inclined to "bitch" some are less. While I am happy with my Voom experience I am sure that many in exactly the same situation would find reasons to complain. Complaining is easy. I prefer to stay positive and, so far (~50 years), it's been working for me. :)
"Obviously, some people are more inclined to "bitch" some are less. While I am happy with my Voom experience I am sure that many in exactly the same situation would find reasons to complain. Complaining is easy. I prefer to stay positive and, so far (~50 years), it's been working for me." :yes

Couldn't have put it better. It is refreshing to see that there are still some people with positive attitudes. Voom isn't perfect (yet) and if there are issues that need to be addressed, by all means, address them constructively.
Well guys,

If you've had an install nightmare that is now going on four months, if your PQ on the SD channels is terrible, If Voom "says" they'll credit you and never do, If you recommend Voom to four friends and each one gets a botched install, if your box goes black for 5 seconds each time you change the channel and the STB locks if you (my god!) surf too fast, well then you have every right to complain, bitch and moan, whatever.

No one here really wants free Voom- we want Voom to make things right. This over-charging fiasco is losing Voom a lot of customers.

In a free market Voom has to be as good or better than Direct and Dish to survive. They are overall- far behind both of them, in fact Voom is just sky cable!
"If you've had an install nightmare that is now going on four months, if your PQ on the SD channels is terrible, If Voom "says" they'll credit you and never do, If you recommend Voom to four friends and each one gets a botched install, if your box goes black for 5 seconds each time you change the channel and the STB locks if you (my god!) surf too fast, well then you have every right to complain, bitch and moan, whatever."

*If your getting a picture that would lead one to believe that your getting good signal. What exactly was wrong with your install that is taking 4 months.

*I've had cable (still do), DTV and Dish. The Voom PQ on my set far exceads the others.

*I assume 5 seconds between channel changing is common for satellite at least thats how long it took with DTV and dish on my receivers. Signal goes from the ground,to space, back to ground. Five seconds isn't that bad when you consider the distance the signal travels.

*STB locks up if you surf too fast. Remedy: slowdown
jnardone said:
I respectfully disagree that I should have expected the problems that I got. Satellite TV has been around for many years. Satellite HD channels have also been available for a year or two. OTA HD channels have also been available for over 5 years. OTA television antennas have been available for over 50 years. Why would I expect that for a premium price of $800+ VOOM would not be able to integrate these functions. They are not doing anything new they are merely combining existing proven technologies. INHD1 and INHD2 were important in my decision to choose VOOM and they are still not available. They could make OTA mapping tolerable if they allowed you to call up and ask that a certain channel be added to your map. This is possible and at one time they let customers do this. Since the new software is coming out in two weeks (for months now) they have won't bother anymore.

I never saw anything promising me 39 channels or INHD1/2 although as far as I know INHD is owned by Cablevision who owns Rainbow DBS right? As far as anyone can tell it may STILL be in the works for some post-October 1 deal..

However if they promised you this, and you have literature that is screwed up. I am not saying that you HAD to have problems and to expect it, but when MediaOne first started offering internet cable in my area it was bug filled and download only, now it's flawless. When Bellsouth offered DSL I can't tell you the months of nightmares I experienced as I was the FIRST in my immediate area to sign up for it. Now, Bellsouth DSL is also, nearly flawless, and I'm still a customer.

I heard about Voom last year and decided it wasn't worth signing up for it right away, especially buying the equipment up front. Then I bought a new entertainment home theatre system a year later and decided, now let's give Voom a try ($500 rebate also pushed me over the edge). Some of the complaints I've read on this very thread seem absurd, Voom hasn't overcharged me and on top of that, they give me credits instantly. I haven't paid for a month of Voom yet and the CSRs have been completely understanding. Wilt talks to the community, and that's a major plus. While the mosquito noise is annoying, I think, Voom is just as good IMO as Dish and DirectTV in terms of service. My own parents can't deal with Dish, I have to call them to straighten out bills, and crap. I think some people DO make a mountain out of a molehill.

Save those that were charged $1000.00 to their CC, that's just outrageous as an apology Voom should send over an elliptical dish, 3 months of free service, and a free DVR.
rkr0923 said:
I suggest Rollzroyce go elsewhere then, cause if you come here you will see pissed off Voom people and for good reason

And I presume you are still subscribing to Voom?
By the tone of your posts here I can't see you paying for something you obviously despise.
Maybe you should drop Voom or put a bullet in your head. Either way, your pain will surely end.

rkr0923 to his doctor: "Doctor, it hurts when I hit myself in the head with this 10 Lb sledge hammer!"
Doctor to rkr0923: "Stop hitting yourself then!"
rkr0923 to his doctor: I would rather continue bitching about it.

More billing problems

VOOM Version 6.0 fix?

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