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I need a little help dealing with Equipment/CSR issues | SatelliteGuys.US

I need a little help dealing with Equipment/CSR issues

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Expert in the Making
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Supporting Founder
Jul 13, 2004
Frankfort, KY
Evening Gentlemen

Let me lay out my issues we will see if anyone has any good Ideas.

I have a HR21 in the living room and a HR20 in the bedroom

The 20 is the least issue, however its hard drive is getting so loud its starting to wake me up at night, I have had it since 2005/6

the 21... oh man

-I have to reboot it every 3-5 days because it locks up completely.
-I know you have to wait several hours before its usable again, but running a search on the box locks it up for 45 minutes MINIMUM, ive seen it take 90 mins
-changing channels - 2-5 minutes
-bringing up the guide or DVR list - 2-4 mins
-deleting recordings.... well I started deleting 5 episodes of top gear (SD) almost 30 mins ago... still going
thats all the big stuff

CSRs, called last tuesday, spoke to a guy, walked me through the troubleshooting, for 2 hours... most of that time was waiting for the thing to respond
he spoke to a manager/supervisor, then said they would be replacing it... confirmed the address, etc... he gave me a reference number but my dumb ass didnt write it down (I have only had this reciever for a year and last time it went smoothly)
Apparently he didnt notate the account or get an order in... I would guess it was a system flake but...?

So noticing no DVR today I call in to inquire.. nice lady answers and doesnt see me even calling in other than hitting the phone tree... wonderful... so I Am a little annoyed but nice to her, she starts walking me through troubleshooting... first step, swap the satellite cables... live.. ummm let me just send a voltage spike down the line... somehow it didnt fry anything thank god. of course that didnt fix the issues... next step... look at free space on DVR... 38% her words "that dvr only has 5 (not 500, and wrong anyway since it has 320) gigabytes of space, and it has to stay above 50% to work properly" i was befuddled, she even refuted my logic when I said the one in the bedroom sits between 3 and 5% free... she didnt get the fact that I dont set things to always keep... I know I need to keep some free space, but 50%.... noooope. She also went on to tell me that it is like a computer in that it has to have space to put things... I agreed, except that it deletes the oldest stuff when it needs to... so then she goes and I love this "well I Can offer you an upgrade for $200" my response was a belly laugh and a no, though I did press her for info on the model... an hr21-500... sigh.. I gave up and nicely asked her to transfer me to retentions...(this was over the span of the troubleshooting, a good 45 mins worth)

Enter Cancellations (yeah wrong dept, didnt realize it until later) I told the nice gentleman about my problems, asked nicely many questions about items available to me... best he could do to fix all my issues was to offer a 300 dollar upgrade to a hr34 and take the hr20 and replace it with a non dvr hd receiver... told him 300 was way too much (I would have taken 100 and possibly 2, I am not unreasonable, and havent had an upgrade in 5ish years) he said he could transfer me to retentions... oh crap... at this point I thanked him and got off the phone politely...

So here I am asking for you guys thoughts and or help

Is there an executive escalations I can talk to (not retentions) I am not trying to get something for nothing, I am trying to be compensated for paying for service I am not getting, and willing to pay a little to get things resolved... seriously.

I am very willing to drop directv altogether, but I had dish in the past... didnt like the customer service... I can deal without the AMC networks. Other than that would be overpay for time warner... no way. If I have to suffer with dish for 2 years sobeit, but the hopper (yeah I know it has issues) would suit my needs just fine and is 99 dollars for everything I would need.

I would much rather stay with direct and either get 2 new/working good/properly DVRs OR go tot eh whole home HR34 and H(wahtever model) for the bedroom, I already have a H21 in my office connected to my slingbox and TV in there... I would move the bedroom receiver in the office but I foolishly didnt run 3 coax lines in here (1 is cable for modem) only 2.

I do not have DECA or SWM, I do have whole home over my Gig network (Directv is VLANed off)

I ahve done the factory reset about 9 times in the last year on the HR21.

And if anyone needs to know my background. I work in IT, I manage 2967 (actual number as of today) Servers (only about 900 are physical) for a large government entity.

Please help... anyone who has info on who I can call or email... I am going to attempt to refrain from calling tonight because I am very aggravated...

I know it is just TV, thats why I am trying not to get too worked up about it.

They said...."let me send a voltage spike down the line"...? CSR rule # 1 = when you first detect BS hang up and start over with another one after a few cold ones. VOLTAGE SPIKE! That was an attempted reboot / reactivate. Didn't work........not field fixable.

Any one else?....................AFTERTHOUGHT AFTER SEEING YOUR IT CREDS.................Can you bypass all cable so you have a clear run to your #1 problem DVR? The trouble shooting goes like that; one aspect at a time until you can reproduce the failure. I think you could have taught the classes I should have taken. IF there is a PI (power inserter) in the loop bypass beyond that.


They said...."let me send a voltage spike down the line"...? CSR rule # 1 = when you first detect BS hang up and start over with another one after a few cold ones. VOLTAGE SPIKE! That was an attempted reboot / reactivate. Didn't work........not field fixable.

Any one else?


No no I only quoted exact quotes, she had me switch the sat cables. I know how microelecronics react if I had missed with the center conducted on a live system...24 volts wrong polarity equals very bad things. She did try a reauth.. She was clueless I'm annoyed that it's been 2 calls now without a real resolution. I wouldn't even be complaining if one of the 3 people I spoke to had just RMAed 1 receiver. Sheesh.

I am very tempted to call dish, spend 100 bucks and have 2 hoppers and 2 joeys here by Saturday.

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They said...."let me send a voltage spike down the line"...? CSR rule # 1 = when you first detect BS hang up and start over with another one after a few cold ones. VOLTAGE SPIKE! That was an attempted reboot / reactivate. Didn't work........not field fixable.

Any one else?....................AFTERTHOUGHT AFTER SEEING YOUR IT CREDS.................Can you bypass all cable so you have a clear run to your #1 problem DVR? The trouble shooting goes like that; one aspect at a time until you can reproduce the failure. I think you could have taught the classes I should have taken. IF there is a PI (power inserter) in the loop bypass beyond that.


I replied too fast...

Yes I have bypassed the cables/switches, just in case... Problem is the receiver itself....almost like it doesn't have enough processor power or maybe a faulty sata bus. Could also be a bad hard drive.

No power inserter, not swm or deca, just a 6x8 switch and slimline 5 LNB which I did bypass the switch. I labeled all the cables when I ran them. Of course inside goes up through the attic and down inside walls and outside goes under the house. Central point in a wiring cabinet in the garage.

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No no I only quoted exact quotes, she had me switch the sat cables. I know how microelecronics react if I had missed with the center conducted on a live system...24 volts wrong polarity equals very bad things. She did try a reauth.. She was clueless I'm annoyed that it's been 2 calls now without a real resolution. I wouldn't even be complaining if one of the 3 people I spoke to had just RMAed 1 receiver. Sheesh.

I am very tempted to call dish, spend 100 bucks and have 2 hoppers and 2 joeys here by Saturday.

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You may have the horsepower to fix this but the installer site is pretty much like the USAF in the 50s when they started using printed circuits. Knowledgable techs are not here on the level you need. But there is a Directv Technical Issues / Discuission where you may meet some folks who not only know what is in the tech manuals....they may have written it.

Click back to Technical Discussions and restate your issue. There was a time when installers were routed to mfg reps for suggestions but mostly the fix was...install new box.

Know that DISH eq is even more buggy, in my experience. Also know that the hundred designation on your model number = a different mfg. (HDDVR 24-500) All HDDVR are supposed to be equal but are not. Mention the model number early.


You may have the horsepower to fix this but the installer site is pretty much like the USAF in the 50s when they started using printed circuits. Knowledgable techs are not here on the level you need. But there is a Directv Technical Issues / Discuission where you may meet some folks who not only know what is in the tech manuals....they may have written it.

Click back to Technical Discussions and restate your issue. There was a time when installers were routed to mfg reps for suggestions but mostly the fix was...install new box.

Know that DISH eq is even more buggy, in my experience. Also know that the hundred designation on your model number = a different mfg. (HDDVR 24-500) All HDDVR are supposed to be equal but are not. Mention the model number early.


Preaching to the choir, yeah I knew about the model number and suffix, I had 2 hr20s until last year one was a 100 one was a 700 the 100 is still kickin. The 700 was crappy from day one.

I know dish would be buggy as well...but at least I could service hop for 2 years and come back with a tech refresh all for probably less money sadly.

I may repost this in the tech section in the morning, or if Scott or Ramy wonder in they could move it

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I don't like to lie

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it is an equipment failure though :D

what i would do is call in, tell them you don't watch AMC, you're not happy about the viacom situation, no one will replace your HD DVR, so you want to cancel and go to dish. there is no way they won't get you a new one and some account credits. i got whole home and $30/mo off just by telling them i was CONSIDERING a switch to comcast because of a recent flyer(keep in mind i would never want to leave direct for comcast, so the new two year agreement wasn't a big deal to me)
it is an equipment failure though :D

what i would do is call in, tell them you don't watch AMC, you're not happy about the viacom situation, no one will replace your HD DVR, so you want to cancel and go to dish. there is no way they won't get you a new one and some account credits. i got whole home and $30/mo off just by telling them i was CONSIDERING a switch to comcast because of a recent flyer(keep in mind i would never want to leave direct for comcast, so the new two year agreement wasn't a big deal to me)

I hate to threaten, but if I can't get some form of resolution tomorrow (and I'll call them from work, after troubleshooting it twice I can fake it if I have to) I may tell them I'm going to dish. I don't watch much live tv, I mostly watch stuff on Hulu and Netflix, but my fiancé likes live tv, and my step daughter would try to kill me if I didn't have her kids channels lol.

And I don't personally care about Viacom. If they do drop them I may have no choice though.

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Preaching to the choir, yeah I knew about the model number and suffix, I had 2 hr20s until last year one was a 100 one was a 700 the 100 is still kickin. The 700 was crappy from day one.

I know dish would be buggy as well...but at least I could service hop for 2 years and come back with a tech refresh all for probably less money sadly.

I may repost this in the tech section in the morning, or if Scott or Ramy wonder in they could move it

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Wrong metaphor...........the choir agrees and will cheer the boss (or his reps).

What the CSRs have to deal with on every call are persons of diverse technical backgrounds. Their management have given them a script to route calls. They, as myself, must quickly discover upon which level they can communicate. Seems like your are going in the direction of box swap.

What you might try, aside from waiting for new boxes, is dig into the tech manuals. They will have the code you the tech discussion forum along with appropriate downloads.

Please report how this ends,

Call back in and talk to Retention, say Cancel at the first prompt to get there and let them know that you were told they were sending out a new recvr for you, but the next day they have no record of it.

D* generally won't say what recvr you'll get, but the HR24 is the one I would look for.

See what they can do for you ... let them know your not threatning anything, just need to talk with someone that can get it done for you.
So, little update, I got all my ducks in a row ready to switch to dish... called direct to set a cancellation date... got transferred to retentions and spoke to someone who knew what they were talking about.

It was like magic, she understood the problems with the 21, she understood that a 6 year old DVR's hard drive might be so loud you cant sleep, etc. for a new 2 year agreement I got 30 dollars in credits knocked off my bill, free starz for a year, free showtime for a year, 2 NEW receivers, all for the 2 year agreement plus 20 in shipping.

Bravo Directv, piss me off to the point of cancelling only to in the 11th hour pull one out of your ass to keep me.
So, little update, I got all my ducks in a row ready to switch to dish... called direct to set a cancellation date... got transferred to retentions and spoke to someone who knew what they were talking about.

It was like magic, she understood the problems with the 21, she understood that a 6 year old DVR's hard drive might be so loud you cant sleep, etc. for a new 2 year agreement I got 30 dollars in credits knocked off my bill, free starz for a year, free showtime for a year, 2 NEW receivers, all for the 2 year agreement plus 20 in shipping.

Bravo Directv, piss me off to the point of cancelling only to in the 11th hour pull one out of your ass to keep me.

Glad to see you contacted Retention ...

Also glad your sticking around.
you guys are not going to believe this.

So 2 boxes from Direct show up today... I get home after work and open them up... they are BOTH HR21s, the exact model retentions lady and I agreed they would not send me. so I am on the phone with retentions again. First lady had to get a supervisor, supervisor is on the phone with me right now desperately trying to find a solution. I understand that they cant control directly what gets sent out, and I also understand the supervisor is probably an agent in a SUP queue, but this is the last chance. I thought satuday had everything settled, if I dont have 22, 23, or 24s here by the end of the week they will lose me. Im sick of this.
forgot to update this last night....

so after being on the phone for about an hour the supervisor tells me he is escalating a ticket to the tech department. Fair enough, then he says "If they dont call you back by Friday..." I interrupted, "If they dont call me by friday you all will be closing my account" his response "yes sir I understand" I realize I am one of 20 million people, but damnit I am not cattle, I wont roll over.

There are 2 simple solutions, A. Drop ship me 2 more receivers, have the person at the warehouse walk over, look at the boxes (the models are on the boxes) and pick 2 that arent HR21 or B. admit defeat, cancel the account...

Like I told the lady Saturday "All the adjustments in the world wont make up for not being able to actually watch the TV"

Does anyone have an email address I could send a "somewhat-nasty-Gram" to that might be able to resolve this, im at the point where I would rather not have Pay TV service if this crap continues.... why did I let them try to retain me.


I sent that early is supposed to be like the Bat Signal or a 911 for TV peasants. No word he tried it. I remember when we were having trouble with Directv. A lady on a broom did a sky write message over the local Directv installation office; STOP SCREWING UP! Things have been great since.


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and a funny face or two :popcorn:amen:

I sent that early is supposed to be like the Bat Signal or a 911 for TV peasants. No word he tried it. I remember when we were having trouble with Directv. A lady on a broom did a sky write message over the local Directv installation office; STOP SCREWING UP! Things have been great since.


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and a funny face or two :popcorn:amen:

I didnt see an email address Joe...

Chip, If I dont have a call by tomorrow after work I will send her an email. I dont do things like this lightly, but my thoughts are maybe they could analyze and see where the breakdown occurred and why they are losing a customer of 8 years.

And it may just be that I have higher expectations than most. I am an IT guy after all, we thrive on speed, I dont think its right to demand customers keep their dvrs 50% or better free, nor have them wait 45+ minutes on a search.

I am trying to avoid venting, but I have to say there has got to be some churn related to this. If I built a PC for someone and they said out of the box it was too slow, and i offered them an upgrade I wouldnt take the box and replace it with the exact same.
I didnt see an email address Joe...

Chip, If I dont have a call by tomorrow after work I will send her an email. I dont do things like this lightly, but my thoughts are maybe they could analyze and see where the breakdown occurred and why they are losing a customer of 8 years.

And it may just be that I have higher expectations than most. I am an IT guy after all, we thrive on speed, I dont think its right to demand customers keep their dvrs 50% or better free, nor have them wait 45+ minutes on a search.

I am trying to avoid venting, but I have to say there has got to be some churn related to this. If I built a PC for someone and they said out of the box it was too slow, and i offered them an upgrade I wouldnt take the box and replace it with the exact same.


I went back and looked and I didn't see them either...........I know I went outside the forum to look up the address Chip sent and I thought I included it...but it is not there. Either my IT skills are not what they should be or...........THE PHANTOM STRIKER OUTER struck. Sorry, but as Chip said......she wants to hear from you.

And my interest here is...if not you, who then? You seem to be competent to comment upon the state of things. So for every Shadow there must be hundreds of huddled masses out there enduring crappy SD and unrecorded commercials. We have nothing to lose but out pains.

Go for it!


another face, maybe........:sorry:
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