I want to tune into it the day it starts. I also will listen on SiriusXM, TuneIn, iHeart, Pandora, and my AM/FM radio.
Probably right after Halloween.I want to tune into it the day it starts. I also will listen on SiriusXM, TuneIn, iHeart, Pandora, and my AM/FM radio.
Here's one that got me. Surveys report that by the end of October, 20% of all who plan on giving gifts for Christmas have completed their shopping by that time. By mid November that increases to HALF.I'm sick of Christmas already. They keep pushing it earlier and earlier every year. There's been Christmas crap in stores around here since July. I saw a commercial for something on TV a few nights ago that was playing Christmas music. I'm expecting it to come around one of these years and never go away - Christmas all year long. Ugh.
Sort of like the lazy people who never take down their Christmas lights.I'm sick of Christmas already. They keep pushing it earlier and earlier every year. There's been Christmas crap in stores around here since July. I saw a commercial for something on TV a few nights ago that was playing Christmas music. I'm expecting it to come around one of these years and never go away - Christmas all year long. Ugh.
I recently purchased a Denon Heos. So, I'm really looking forward to using their way of integrating my own Christmas music plus using the paid services of Deezer and the like. This is going to be a lot of fun. And on top of that, I can have the Christmas Music start when ever I want it to, or not start until I want it to. I should have done this a long time ago.
WHY would you PAY for Christmas music? Christmas has been ruined for years - it doesn't start and it doesn't end. There is no "war on Christmas" like the right-wing nuts will make you think - Christmas is over-saturated. It went to war on itself and lost.
No politics allowedWHY would you PAY for Christmas music? Christmas has been ruined for years - it doesn't start and it doesn't end. There is no "war on Christmas" like the right-wing nuts will make you think - Christmas is over-saturated. It went to war on itself and lost.
I'm a Christian and proud of it. Bring on the CHRISTmas music and I will gladly pay for it! I thank God for His Son and the music celebrating His coming! And as for politics, can't stand it. FOX, FOX Business, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Now that is over saturation!
No politics allowed
Hilarious. No politics. haha, for real? Christian radio K-Love doesn't even go all Christmas until nearly Christmas. Commerical FM radio will be filled with Christmas music soon. Figure it out.
For Real! Can't stand it. What is hilarious is the way some people make Politics their all and all. Now, that is hilarious. And, I have figured it out. K-Love? LOL You need to change your browser's search engine. Commercial FM Radio? Hahahaha! Where is that ignore button...? I can't stand my own laughter any longer. There it is.. IGNORED! Have a good day. And don't forget to vote. Eventually, you will cast your last one! Figure it out!
I want to tune into it the day it starts. I also will listen on SiriusXM, TuneIn, iHeart, Pandora, and my AM/FM radio.
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