InFocus 50" Ultra-Thin DLP High Definition TV
$1,999.99 + $5 shipping
This deal says it is for a new tv and it can be found at:
This will only be on sale for 24 hours or until sold out.
I believe you have to register for the website.
I do not know anything about HD tv, do not own one myself--but I did a quick search on the web and this seems to be a pretty good price.
$1,999.99 + $5 shipping
This deal says it is for a new tv and it can be found at:
This will only be on sale for 24 hours or until sold out.
I believe you have to register for the website.
I do not know anything about HD tv, do not own one myself--but I did a quick search on the web and this seems to be a pretty good price.