Going to be installing one next weekend.
1.Do I aim for 101 I assume the center LNB gets 99/101/103
2. Can I use a old SD receiver to set up
3. Can I use a diplexers so I still can receive My OTA
Thanks all
Thanks for that I will copy tilt and settings from a neighbor.
ok here's the deal ... i am an installer, installing a slimline vs. and old KaKu dish is cake. whether you have a standard 100 dollar sat. meter or a bird dog (expensive, unless you install). don't expect to get an HD picture if you're trying to shoot in your dish with the beep from the receiver, not gonna happen. Installing on a SD receiver will work just fine, but again, don't expect to get an HD picture later. Also, mount must be sturdy and level (not close, level !) you'll notice on the back of the dish mount there are dials, these are for fine tuning so you can pick up your other HD's 99, 101w, 103 . . . if you can't fine tune your HD will suffer. Ok, diplexers work great if you're not using HD or HD Locals, when you use a diplexer you limit the ammount of power your receiver is sending to specific LNB's, when this happens you lose transponders ( when you pull up signal meter on receiver you get a grid of numbers that show your signal, each of these is a transponder, if you lose one, you lose channels). So NO diplexers with slim line or other KaKu, run a separate line to your off-air.
Sorry to nit pick here, but if you set the mast to level you will never get a picture. It must be set to plumb.
hey, i don't mean to nit pick ... but if anybody set there mast to level, they probably can't even operate their television let alone install a dish, however when i am to mount the mast for my dish, i'm probably going to use a tool called a level, and when you use a level it gives you a bubble of water that you would level on a horizontal plane, from front to back, as well as side to side. When doing so you would then be left with a mounted mast that is "exactly, precisely and directly vertical." or in other words, Plumb. However, thanks for the info. I'll make sure I correct the thousands of customers i've left without service.
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