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Instructions for Adding the 61.5 - revised 05/04 | SatelliteGuys.US

Instructions for Adding the 61.5 - revised 05/04


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 5, 2004
Winchester, VA
E* Switch configuration help:

Please, read this and LOOK for your switch information, and then read over the suggestions provided. This is pretty everything that you need to know.

Right now, the VOOM Channels are ONLY available on the 61.5. However, there are rumors(which make sense) that E* will add Voom to the 148. This has NOT been confirmed, but it may be worth waiting to see what is announced instead of wasting money for this IF you already have the 148. Those on the West Coast may have problems getting the 61.5 and Alaska and Hawaii are SOL(Sorry Guys).

Also note that right now, you cannot see Rainbow 1's transponders on the E* receiver. They are using Trans 1, 3, 5, 7. These will NOT show up on your signal strength screen until E* releases a software update(although it DOES show on the 921 according to Mark Lamutt). The receiver will be able to use them, however.

The first thing you need to do is find out what equipment you have. This can be easy, but it can also require a little work on your part depending on what you already have. The first part of this is for LEGACY systems. The second will be for Dish Pro(DP). Please keep in mind that you CANNOT mix legacy and DP DBS LNBs and switches. It is either one or the other.

PLEASE EVERYONE NOTE THAT a switch that starts with SW is a LEGACY switch and that a switch that starts with DP is a DISH PRO switch. It is VERY important that you keep this in mind when you post because you will create confusion for those who are newbies....

Almost ALL E* installs are connected to the 110 and 119 with a Dish500. Yours may use 2 dishes to do this. Generally, if you have a Dish500 and another dish, it is for the 61.5 or the 148. Superdishes will be discussed in the Dishpro section.

IF you need the 61.5(or the 148), you will need an 18Inch Dish. A D500 CAN be used, but it is recommended that you DO NOT use a Twin LNB unless you don't have access to another LNB. Due to popular demand, a new section about using this equipment has been added below.

A D* or V* dish CAN be used with ANY legacy setup. All the D* and V* LNBs are INTERCHANGABLE (EXCEPT the special SAT C D* LNB). A Dish PRO install will need either an E* dish or a D* dish that had the D-shaped arm. A rectangular arm dish CANNOT be used with a DP LNB without modifications(and it's not worth doing. You CAN add the E* I-bracket, but it will make the arm too long and mess with the signal. However, a measurement is being worked on for thos who are adventurous. WIll post when available.).

ANY E* Sub that has Local Channels available on the 61.5 Can get a free install done. However, YOU MUST ASK for the LOCALS ADDITIONAL DISH, and NOT an HD Upgrade for it to be free. Also, when having it installed for locals, E* is REQUIRED by the FCC to hook ALL activated receivers to the 61.5(or 148 if that is used in your area).

Keep in mind that ONLY an HD receiver can SEE HD channels. Therefore, unless you plan to add an HD receiver soon, you may only have to hook the 61.5 up to 1 receiver and not all of your receivers.

IF you are UNSURE, PLEASE call a professional. A local Retailer or E* will be more than willing to help you for a reasonable price if necessary.

IF you have a VOOM dish already pointed at the 61.5 and are using legacy E* equipment, you do NOT have to repoint it. If you are using DP equipment, you will need a new D-Arm Dish.

#1 - Find out what you have. The following is a list of available legacy E* switches and what they are:

500 Twin - Picks up the 110 & 119 and can feed 2 receivers MAX,
500 Quad - Picks up the 110 & 119 and can feed 4 receivers.
SW21 - Used to combine LNBs and/or one LNB and one Switch. Very useful.
SW42 - Basically 2 SW21s in 1 box. Uses the same switching as the 500 Twin.
SW44 - Used for 2 sat locations. Requires a Power Inserter. Requires 2 lines from each LNB. Feeds up to 4 receivers.
SW64 - Used for 3 sat locations. Requires a Power Inserter. Requires 2 lines from each LNB. Feeds up to 4 receivers.
SWAJ - Similar to the SW21, but required power from the Accessory Jack used on some receivers. Basically had to be put at the receiver and had to have 1 wire from each dish ran to it. Unsupported and unusable.
Single LNB - DBS LNB that only has 1 output. Can ONLY be connected to 1 receiver.
Dual LNB - DBS LNB that had 2 outputs. Can be connected to 2 receivers or to a switch to go to 4 or more receivers.
D* 2x4 or 3x4 MultiSwitch - Simple multiswicth that allows a Dual LNB to be connected to up to 4 receivers. Also available in a 2x8 and 3x8 for up to 8 receivers. CAN be used with E*, but the setups get horribly complicated and is NOT recommended for anyone other than an Expert.

SW21 - 3Sat - This is seen when you have either a 500 Twin or Quad OR an SW44 connected to a 3rd location with an SW21.
SW21 - 4Sat - This is seen when you have an SW64 connected to a 4th location with an SW21. This is also how a legacy receiver will "see" a DP+44 Switch.

IF you have a 500 Twin or Quad- You will need an 18" dish and a Single or Dual LNB to get the 61.5 as well as an SW21(or 2 for 2 receivers). Connect the line from the 500 Twin to the SW21 and connect the other LNB to the SW21. DO A CHECK SWITCH.

If you have an SW44 - You can connect the SW44 and the another LNB with an SW21. DO NOT USE PORT 1 due to the power inserter. It will DESTROY the SW21! OR you can replace the SW44 with an SW64 and add the new dish and DUAL LNB to the SW64. DO A CHECK SWITCH.

If you have an SW64 and do not get the 61.5 - You can connect the SW64 and the another LNB with an SW21. DO NOT USE PORT 1 due to the power inserter. It will DESTROY the SW21! DO A CHECK SWITCH.

PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT cascade 2 SW21s. You MUST have another switch cascaded to the SW21. Microyal, offers E* compatible switches. They offer the SW21X, which is basically 1/2 of an SW42, and CAN be cascaded with an SW21. You CANNOT casecade an SW21X with a 500Twin or Quad.

PLEASE NOTE: Cascading Multiple SW64 switches together is beyond the scope of this and should ONLY be done by a professional to protect the equipment.

Dish Pro:

ALL DP LNBs or Switches have a DP logo or a DPPlus Logo on them, and it is usually very visible.

DP Single or Dual - DP LNB for 1 sat location.
DP Twin - Picks up the 110 & 119 - Can feed 2 receivers directly OR be connected to another switch. When connected to a DP34 or DP+44, you need BOTH lines connected to these switches.
DP Quad - Picks up the 110 & 119 - Can feed 2 receivers directly OR be connected to another switch. When connected to a DP34 or DP+44, you need at LEAST 2 lines connected to these switches. The other 2 can be connected directly to a receiver, but you won't get the extra sat locations from the DP34 or DP+44.
DP21 - Similar to the SW21. Connects 1 single or dual DP LNB to another LNB or switch. CANNOT connect 2 DP switches together.
DP34 - Allows up to 3 Sats to be connected to up to 4 receivers. Can be connected to 2 more DP34s for up to 12 receivers/tuners. REQUIRES 1 Wire from each location.
DP+Twin - Picks up the 110 & 119, Can feed up to 4 tuners. Has a port to add a 3rd location built into it. CAN be used with a DP+ Seperator and a Dual Tuner receiver. Can be connected to a DP34 or a DP+44, but will ONLY transmit the 110 & 119 when connected this way.
DP+44 - Allows up to 4 Sats to be connected to 4 receivers or up to 8 tuners with the DP+ Seperators. Requires POWER INSERTION.
DP+ Seperator - Allows a DP+ Dual Tuner receiver(322/522/625/721/921/942) to connect to a DP+44 or DP+ Twin(excluding the 721 right now) with only 1 wire.
SuperDish 105 or 121 - Used with the FSS sats at those locations. The SuperDish comes with a DP34. It can be connected to a DP+44 as well. SuperDishes DO NOT pick up the 61.5. You NEED a second dish.

You CANNOT run a DP21 into a DP34, DP+44, or DP+Twin. It DOES Not work that way. It only works BETWEEN These switches and the receiver(unsure about the DP+Twin, but don't see why it won't work). Also, using a DP21 with a DP+ switch removes the ability to use the DP+ Seperator, so PLEASE keep this in mind.

You CANNOT use a DP21 with a DP+44 and the DP+ Seperator. When you use the DP21s, you MUST have 1 line to each tuner. The DP21 is NOT DP+. It only band stacks. It does NOT band translate/share.

If you have a DP Twin or Quad- You will need an 18" dish and a Single or Dual DP LNB to get the 61.5 as well as an DP21(or 2 for 2 receivers). Connect the line from the DP Twin or Quad to the DP21 and connect the other DP LNB to the DP21. DO A CHECK SWITCH.

If you have a DP34 - You can connect the DP34 and the another DP LNB with a DP21. OR you can replace the DP34 with a DP+44 and add the new dish and DP LNB to the DP+44. DO A CHECK SWITCH.

If you have an DP+44 and do not get the 61.5 - You can connect the DP+44 and the other DP LNB with an DP21. DO NOT USE PORT 1 due to the power inserter. It will DESTROY the DP21! DO A CHECK SWITCH.

Please keep in mind that legacy switches like the SW44 and SW64 HAVE to have 2 lines from each LNB/Location to work properly, whereas an SW21 only needs 1.

Also keep in mind that a DP switch, like the DP21, DP+Twin, DP34, or DP+44 REQUIRE 1 wire from each LNB/Location.

When cascading 1 DP34 into another DP34, if you want the same sats on all Tuners, you MUST connect each output from the first DP34 into each input on the 2nd DP34(they do NOT have to be in the same order). Same goes for the DP+44. You can also cascade a DP+44 into a DP34, but you will lose 1 sat in this config. Also keep in mind that when cascading DP34s that at least 1 receiver on the first switch MUST be plugged in to power the switch. With the DP+44s, you MUST have the power inserters plugged in for each switch for them to see the signals.


Using a DPTwin on a D500 to get the 61.5:

1. Set the skew of the D500 at 90 degress so that the arm is not tilted.
2. Connect the Twin DIRECTLY to a receiver.
3. Cover the 110 side of the LNB with a peice of tin foil or thick cloth.
4. Set the elavation. Tune the dish.
5. Once you have the signal locked, connect the dish to your equipment. Remove the cover.
6. Run the check switch. It SHOULD show 4 locations with 1 as an X for signal and NC for sat(assuming you are connecting to a DP34. A DP21 should only "see" the 119 side to begin with).

When using the DPTwin with a DP21, you may have problems when using a DPTwin on the 110/119 since the DP21 only "sees" 1 switch. You may have to re-run the switch check a few times. The DP34 should not have any problems.

I would NOT try using a 500 Twin since the SW21 may not see the second 500Twin. If need be I will try it in the next few days and see what happens.

Good Luck!

This post is mirrored at as well as the EchoStar Knowledge base at
Thanks for the info. I got E* installed last week and still have my VOOM dish. E* installed a Dish500 with a DPPlus LNB connected directly to 2 receivers. Based on your post, that means that my VOOM dish wouldn't be any useful. Correct?
If so, what dish & switch should I buy. where? I'm trying to figure out if it would be cheaper than calling E* and paying $100.
Walter L. said:
Thanks for the info. I got E* installed last week and still have my VOOM dish. E* installed a Dish500 with a DPPlus LNB connected directly to 2 receivers. Based on your post, that means that my VOOM dish wouldn't be any useful. Correct?
If so, what dish & switch should I buy. where? I'm trying to figure out if it would be cheaper than calling E* and paying $100.


1. You can modify the voom dish to work. You need to purchase a Dual DP LNB (this is a single DP LNB with two coax connectors. Don't confuse it with a Twin DP LNB which has two lnb's and 4 coax connectors). You can by the Dual DP LNB for $30 new and about $10 bucks on ebay.

2. You will need to buy a DP500 I bracket ($8 new). This will allow you to connect the D shaped DP LNB to the square shaped Voom dish's LNB arm.

3a. If your current DP500 is using a DP34 switch and you have one of the 3 LNB ports unused, then you just hook the new DPlnb to the unused port and you are set to go.

3b. If your current DP500 or Superdish is using a DP34 and all 3 LNB ports are being used already (i.e. 110, 119, 105/121) then you have 2 options:
Option 1 - Replace the DP34 with a DPP44. This will give you the 4th LNB port you need, but the switch is expensive (about $180 new or $80 on ebay).
Option 2 - You can piggyback a DP21 switch ($25 new or $5 on ebay ). Take output #1 of from the dp34 and connect it to input 1 on the DP21. Connect the Voom dish's new DP LNB to input #2 on the DP21. Take the output from the DP21 and connect it to the HD receiver. If you are using Two 811's or a 921/942 Dual tuner you will need to use a second DP21 and repeat the proccess with output #2 from the DP34 switch.
I am Voom and Dish customer. I am getting new customer only thing trying to activate Voom package including second supervisor online. I have all hardware needed. Any suggestions?
Here's a question, and I thought I was in this boat until I found my DP twin :)

If I have a DP Quad, and a DP Single, can I combine them with a DP 34 in anyway? I have two receivers needing two inputs each, a 721 and 921.
I have almost the same setup as Walter but I have the 942 with one dish and no switch. Do I only need to buy a switch and DP LNB?
I had no problem, and I am a Voom and Dish customer

dishguy said:
I am Voom and Dish customer. I am getting new customer only thing trying to activate Voom package including second supervisor online. I have all hardware needed. Any suggestions?

I do have to pay for the 61.5 installation if I don't have it, 100 dollar one time cost, and subscribe to the HD pack 10 dollars/month, then voom will be 5 dollars per month.

I also have all the hardware necessary.

Incidently, no special programming promotion for existing dish customers, like new customers.

I would call them back
Am I right in assuming that I cannot mount a Dual LNB (Dish Plus) to a direcTV dish that is otherwise unused to get 61.5? Is the 61.5 a DP bird, or is only one polz being used?

Exactly where does the DP21 go with a DP34? One output of DP34 to one input of DP21 and the 61.5 to the other input of DP21?
richard_rd said:
Don't confuse it with a Twin DP LNB which has two lnb's and 4 coax connectors).
The one with 4 coax connectors is the Quad. The Twin has two heads and two coax connectors. The Single has one head and one coax connection. The Dual has one head and 2 coax connections.
gpflepsen said:
If I have a DP Quad, and a DP Single, can I combine them with a DP 34 in anyway? I have two receivers needing two inputs each, a 721 and 921.
Yes. Take two feeds from the Quad to two inputs on the DP34 and one feed from the Single to the third input. Connect your recievers to the outputs of the DP34.
Barry Erick said:
Am I right in assuming that I cannot mount a Dual LNB (Dish Plus) to a direcTV dish that is otherwise unused to get 61.5? Is the 61.5 a DP bird, or is only one polz being used?

Exactly where does the DP21 go with a DP34? One output of DP34 to one input of DP21 and the 61.5 to the other input of DP21?
Both polarities are being used on 61.5 - but it isn't the satellite that is a DP bird. It is your system that (can be) a DP system.

Getting an E* LNB to fit on a D* dish isn't easy.

If all your inputs are used on the DP34 (eg: for SuperDish) you can cheaply add a DP21 on each of the outputs. Port 1 on a DP21 goes to the DP34, Port 2 goes to the 61.5 dish. The output of that switch goes to the receiver. Only that receiver can get the new dish ... other receivers on the DP34 just get the inputs to the DP34.

If you need more than one feed with the additional dish you can have additional DP21's but you will need to either split the feed from the 61.5 dish (USING A DP SPLITTER - NOT A STANDARD COAX SPLITTER/COMBINER) or if you have a DP Dual LNB you can run a second cable from the dish.

After a while it may become less expensive or less of a hassle to get a DP+44 ... which can take all four inputs directly and output to four tuners.

curious, I use a v* dish for my locals at 148 allready. I use the v* LNB w/o problems. Why do I see all over the forums that V* LNB's don't work on E*? :(
I have only on IRD so maybe it's that V* LNB"s don't work with E* switches?
DishPro Twin/Quad or Legacy Twin on Dish 300

To receive the VOOM HD channels at 61.5, can I use a DishPro Twin/Quad or a Legacy Twin on an standard (non y yoke) 18" Dishnetwork dish. I would simply mount them on one side and the other side would be unused, correct? Then use either a DP21 for DishPro switching or SW21 for Legacy switching?

Thanks Very Much for any information in advance.


PS.. I only have the one 811 Dishnet Receiver.
Both polarities are being used on 61.5 - but it isn't the satellite that is a DP bird. It is your system that (can be) a DP system.

Yup.. I know. I mispoke on it, I meant the dish. Just that the two polarities of the bird are used, therefore a DP system's stacking would be used and not just half.

Anyway, I've ordered a DP21 from ebay ($3 + 6 shipping) and will do a dual lnb and adapter, as this will put the current d* dish into use.
rrolsbe said:
To receive the VOOM HD channels at 61.5, can I use a DishPro Twin/Quad or a Legacy Twin on an standard (non y yoke) 18" Dishnetwork dish. I would simply mount them on one side and the other side would be unused, correct? Then use either a DP21 for DishPro switching or SW21 for Legacy switching?
PS.. I only have the one 811 Dishnet Receiver.

If you use the DP Twin, you will need the DP21. This can work, but it can create problems. Make sure that you seal the ports hanging off the dish with silicone to protect them. Also, cover the unused side with aluminum foil to tune in the dish. I would not try this with a legacy system. Good luck.
I have a starband dish which I think is a D500 looking at 110º and 119º connected to an SW64 switch. Also have a legacy DirectV 18" pointed at 61.5º using a Dish 921 receiver. The new Voom channels showed up red. I had them activate the Voom channels and now I can select them but still get "Acquiring Signal" One of the CSR's mentioned that the Voom sat is close to 61.5º but is definitely a different sat. If this is the case will I need a different sat and LNB for 61.5º and ultimately a different switch?
I have a question... I currently have a Dish500 (legacy lnbs) and Dish 300(also legacy lnb) for 61.5 and SW64 switch and feed 3 recievers. My question is I want to replace my 501 with a 811 will my current setup work fine without having to change switches lnbs etc.?

Will the 811 down convert the HD channels to S-video out?

Anyone know what the cost would be to get a 811 reciever either lease or purchase outright?

Replacing V* receiver with D* 811?

Can I just replace my V* receiver with my forthcoming D* 811 box and be OK for HD only reception?
I have a DP Twin with a dish 500. I am adding another dish 500 with a dish pro dual lnbf. Do I have to have a dp21 or can the dual lnbf be plugged into the dpp twin input lnb. Please help
I have a Dish 500 system a 6000 and a 510. I have a dish 300 that has never been installed. My switch is a sw42. What do I need to install the 61.5 antenna. Can I use a sw21. Please be very basic in your description I read the above and I'm totally confused. Thanks

How long before I see Club Dish credit?

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