Yeah you get a bunch of snow there. See, here in Oklahoma we haven't seen any snow in 4 years! So I am not worried about that very much. No, I didn't get the 91XG yet. I am just as curious as you. Well they took the money out of my account yesterday, and it is supposed to come via FedEx. I haven't gotten a tracking number or anything, so there's no telling on the status. As I know my luck, I probably won't get to install this weekend. Well I must have had some insane ducting this morning, as I received a station from Waco, TX! It was just for a while, and then disappeared. Waco is in the middle of Texas, and I am located in the middle of Oklahoma! Well at the same time all but one channel hammered in with 100% signal! Interesting is the fact that KTFO CH42 (UPN) usually comes in at around 70% under normal conditions. So are the signals of all the others. EXCEPT KOKI CH22 (FOX) doesn't come in at all. KTFO and KOKI are on the same tower, and after exchanging emails with the KTFO/KOKI engineer, he told me that actually the KOKI antenna is higher up on the tower than the KTFO, and both are running at full power. KOKI is running at 1000KW and KTFO at 870KW. This doesn't make sense to me. It should be vice versa. The distance to that tower is 75 miles. A while back it was KTFO giving trouble and KOKI was fine. Like this morning with getting 100% on all the other stations, KOKI was around 80%. So it's about 20 % lower. On a normal day, when the others coming at 70%, KOKI must be around 50%, which is below the 55%, that the ViP622 requires to lock onto. I've been on the roof countless times to tweak and aim, nothing helped. It sux, because I want to watch American Idol in HD, and I can', because KOKI is too weak. I used to watch it in HD, but have to bear with the horrible Dish SD Locals picture. What the enineer tells me does not make sense to me. How can the broadcast antenna, that is higher up than the other, pumping out 130KW more power, be a worse signal source at my end, than the weaker version with higher signal here. That's why I want to try the 91XG, to try to get about 10% more signal, because a little over 60 on the 622 is sufficient to watch TV in my case.Rick0725 said:did you receive the 91xg yet.
very interested to know how it works. I am also interested in one also.
what was holding me back was the unknown of how it performed. And I read that snowload is not good with it because of all the elements. And we get a lot of snow here off of lake ontario.
Is it possible that it's beamed away from you? Here's an interesting link that someone else gave me (RandallA, I think) that also gives the broadcast pattern for each station. See what it tells you for KOKI...ralfyguy said:...How can the broadcast antenna, that is higher up than the other, pumping out 130KW more power, be a worse signal source at my end, than the weaker version with higher signal here....
Hmm - not sure why it didn't work for you. I used the top link in that cover page to get approx. lat/long. for central Oklahoma and used 35.53 and -97.56 respectively. I entered -2 for the declination (the second link will get you the exact value) and 150 miles for the range and clicked "Show Stations". The result was a list over 40 rows long (each variation of a station is a separate row). There are 2 rows for KOKI Fox 23DT (actual ch. 22) from Tulsa. Apparently they have 2 separate ant. locations, one operating at 4KW (lobe to the west) and one at 1000KW (omni). It might be possible that they're experimenting or using the low-power antenna temporarily. The 1000KW ant. at 1312'. is indeed on the same tower as the KTFO ant. (900KW, omni, 1232'. Here's the link to that query that I bookmarked - maybe it will work for you. You could fine-tune the results with an exact lat./long/ and declination. Have a good weekend...ralfyguy said:That thing doesn't work. It won't show anything
I know, but I wish it would be like that around the clock!dlsnyder said:Back in 1983 I was on a road trip that took me through central Oklahoma. Having done some TV-FM DXing over the years I always enjoy doing some radio scanning when I am in an unfamiliar area. Anyway, while I was tuning around the FM band I found a station that held my interest, and when they did the station ID they said it was in Florida! I tuned around a little more and found others in FLA and some in Texas. You folks out there in Oklahoma are really blessed with some awesome tropo!
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